Page 384 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 384

IPS169 Gaby U.
                  hence codify behaviour. Measuring is therefore not just counting, but defining
                  and creating ‘objective’ norms (Bhuta, Malito, and Umbach 2018). The decision
                  on what to measure is thus framing reality. In the same vein, deciding not to
                  measure social phenomena creates reality through exclusion and prioritisation.
                  Through  active  codification  and  categorisation,  (social)  phenomena  become
                  reality.  In  an  increasingly  pluralistic  world  with  contradicting  world  views,
                  statistics hence become inherently political.
                     Data used in EBPM also have governance and knowledge effects that need
                  to be accomodated. The ‘making of knowledge about governance is a medium
                  of  governance’(Bhuta,  Malito,  and  Umbach  2018,  13)  and  ‘knowing  about
                  governance  ...  is  at  the  same  time  also  governance  by  knowing’  (Voß  and
                  Freeman 2016, 5). Quantification is an inherently political process that defines
                  multiple relationships of power and dominance given that data and indicators
                  are  instruments  of  governance  in  themselves  and  affect  governance.  They
                  substitute governance processes by influencing decision-making through forms
                  of soft power. They also re-configurate political relations and create political
                  priorities by influencing assessment and judgments. While their power is highly
                  contextual, they shape political action in new modes of governance, such as
                  bench-marking  processes;  peer  review  and  monitoring  exercises;  expert
                  exchange; performance-based management, self-evaluation, audit cultures; and
                  forecasting or horizon scanning. They influence formal and informal regulatory
                  practices through normative frames and paradigms, technical standards, as well
                  as ‘shared ontologies, rationalities, models and technical standards of governing
                  often develop momentum as an independent force of collective ordering’ (Voß
                  and Freeman 2016, 5). Moreover, by ‘activism through numbers’, they function
                  as  advocacy  tools  through  naming-blaming-shaming  exercises  in  order  to
                  promote policy change (Malito, Umbach, and Bhuta 2018).
                     From EBPM also arise new challenges for the impact and role of statistics in
                  politics  as  systemic  preconditions  change  and  ‘truisms’  vanish  (see  Cairney
                  2016). EBPM results in the dissolution of a fixed policy cycle for the injection of
                  evidence. Instead of few access points for evidence injection into an assumed
                  closed policy cycle, policy-making is to be understood as a continuous framing
                  of  policy  narratives  for  which  evidence  is  the  basis.  Such  narratives  further
                  develop throughout the EBPM process and evidence is therefore required at
                  every stage of the policy-making process. Policy-making is consequently to be
                  deconstructed into its component parts – actors, institutions (rules and norms),
                  networks, belief systems (core beliefs, ideas, paradigms), policy conditions and
                  events – rather than perceived as a closed cycle. Knowledge production and
                  injection processes need to accompany policy-making throughout the entire
                  process as narrative policy frameworks are not developed in linear stages. A
                  solid  relationship  and  trust  base  between  knowledge  producers  and  users

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