Page 474 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 474

IPS177 F. Ricciato et al.

                  5.  Conclusion and discussion
                      Since SDC and SMC are targeting different but complementary problems,
                  it is natural to consider their combination. From the above definitions it should
                  be clear that, in principle, both ‘input privacy’ and ‘output privacy’ problems
                  might be encountered at both sides. In other words, in the new scenario we
                  may consider adopting some combination of SMC and SDC in the back-end
                  as well as on the front-end.
                      As to the back-end, SMC may play an important role when joint processing
                  of multiple data sources from different parties is required but direct ingestion
                  of  raw  input  data  by  SO  is  not  possible,  e.g.,  due  to  legal  restrictions  or
                  business considerations (as in [7]). This includes cases where the source data
                  are  held  by  the  private  business  sector.  Considering  the  special  trust
                  endowment of SO, who plays the role of OP in the back-end, it is reasonable
                  to assume that non-disclosure agreements and legal provisions are sufficient
                  to solve the ‘output privacy’ problem in the back-end, waiving the need to
                  introduce SDC tools on this side.
                      Conversely, SDC solutions will remain crucial on the front-end. SMC can
                  be used on the front-end to enable joint processing of confidential input data
                  from  SO  and  other  data  holders  (ref.  rightmost  part  of  Fig.  1(b)).  More  in
                  general, a wise combination of SMC and SDC might help to achieve a higher
                  level  of  overall  confidentiality  in  the  new  wilder  scenario,  where  increased
                  availability of external data sources amplifies the non-disclosure challenges.

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