Page 57 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 57

IPS57 Eric Rancourt
            3.  Sound Methodology
            3.1 Vision
                The core values of effective statistical systems are defined by Fellegi (1996)
            as legitimacy and credibility. One of the elements of credibility is the use of
            sound methodology. As part of the modernization initiative, the Methodology
            Branch within Statistics Canada has adopted a new vision in 2019 that is based
            on  a  number  of  guiding  principles  that  are  consistent  with  the  corporate
            modernization approach. The new Methodology vision is centered on three
            statistical values:
                 •  Promoting  and  supporting  the  production  of  valid  statistical
                     inference in a more explicit fashion. That is, ensuring that estimates
                     are supported by sound statistical methods that allow users to draw
                     the right conclusions.
                 •  Developing quality approaches as well as quality measures both for
                     the statistics produced and the various steps of data processing in
                     the  new  environment  of  increased  uses  of  administrative  data  by
                     dwelling on current approaches;
                 •  Injecting rigour into all aspects of statistical production in a more
                     deliberate and documented way. This means using very thorough and
                     careful approaches in all steps of statistical programs.

                These values underpin and guide our decisions for priorities and ensure
            sound and coherent approaches across the various programs. The values are
            complemented by two principles:
                 •  Prospective work: There is a concerted effort to increase significantly
                     the  percentage  of  work  devoted  to  research  and  development,
                     enabling us to more proactively position the statistical programs in
                     order to meet future needs. It also means that more resources are to
                     be directed towards activities that have impacts on future cycles of
                     surveys.  This  process  takes  place  as  part  of  both  annual  budget
                     discussions as well as regular progress review meetings.
                 •  Open  Scientific  Management:  Transparency  and  the  scientific
                     approach are to be applied not only to statistical issues, but also to
                     the management process of both projects and human resources.

            3.2 Scientific Approach
                Scientific principles are part of the United Nations Fundamental Principles
            of Official Statistics (Principle 2.). In order to anchor the vision in a solid basis,
            the scientific approach, which is already the underlying system of the work in
            Methodology at Statistics Canada, has been made more explicit in programs
            and  is  being  enhanced.  This  section  presents  the  approach  and  its

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