Page 56 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 56

IPS57 Eric Rancourt
                  it is important to have solid frameworks on which to stand, whether it is for
                  subject  matter,  methodology,  standards,  governance,  data  stewardship,
                  communication or any other area of expertise. This paper considers the case
                  of methodology at Statistics Canada.

                  2.  Modernization at Statistics Canada
                      Over the last few years, society has  evolved to become a  digital world
                  where data is a center piece to decision making and everyday life. Nowadays,
                  people are providing and receiving information through their cellular phones
                  and  other  devices  almost  on  a  continuous  basis.  This  data  revolution  has
                  dramatically altered the statistical landscape and left NSOs with little choice
                  but to change their methods of operation. As the traditional approaches are
                  not sustainable to meet information needs in a rapidly changing environment,
                  Statistics Canada has embarked on a modernization agenda (Arora, 2018) built
                  around five pillars:
                       •  A more user-centric approach to data needs;
                       •  Increased and much more dynamic collaboration with partners;
                       •  Using leading-edge methods;
                       •  Providing capacity-building support to other actors of the national
                           statistical system;
                       •  A modern workforce and workplace that are suited to the times and
                           more flexible to changing contexts.

                      This  agenda  is  being  partly  implemented  through  pathfinder  projects
                  aimed at adopting new approaches to producing information, all the while
                  moving forward in order to learn by doing. Four program areas have been
                  identified as pathfinders:
                       •  Measuring aspects of cannabis consumption (in the pre- and post-
                           legalisation context);
                       •  Producing housing statistics (based on administrative data from cities
                           integrated with information already available at Statistics Canada);
                       •  Enhancing  the  measurement  of  tourism-related  activities  (using
                           alternative data for levels of expenses and movement of people);
                       •  Increasing  the  output  of  statistics  to  better  assess  low-carbon
                           economy (by better integrating more sources of data).

                      These  ground-breaking  programs  have  all  been  undertaken  and  the
                  results  each  has  produced  are  paving  the  way  for  Statistics  Canada’s
                  modernization in various other areas.

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