Page 61 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 61

IPS57 Eric Rancourt
            4.   Sound Official Statistics
                Application  of  the  scientific  approach  takes  place  regularly  throughout
            Statistics Canada. One could consider numerous activities such as price index
            development,  production  of  national  accounts  and  field  and  processing
            operations, IT development and even HR, Finance and Communications as a
            non-exhaustive list where the scientific approach is applied or could be more
            explicitly applied.
                We  present  below  a  brief  outline  of  the  scientific  approach  to  the
            modernization  agenda  for  Statistics  Canada  to  illustrate  how  it  is
                 1.  Needs.  As  society  is  rapidly  changing  and  becoming  increasingly
                   complex through the data revolution, there are new needs for real-time
                   and more granular information to be released.
                 2.  Observation. Statistics Canada has conducted an environmental scan
                   to assess the current state of data needs, the pertinent stakeholders,
                   the activities of other NSOs and academics as well as the types of data
                   that are already available.
                 3.  Hypotheses.  A  modernization  strategy  was  developed  to  focus  on
                   user-centric  service  delivery  based  on  such  pillars  as  leading-edge
                   methods  and  data  integration;  statistical  capacity  building  and
                   leadership;  sharing  and  collaboration;  a  modern  workforce  and  a
                   flexible  workplace.  The  hypothesis  is  that  modernizing  statistical
                   programs in this way will improve several aspects of Statistics Canada
                   such as relevance and timelines.
                 4.  Check point. The strategy was discussed in committees within Statistics
                   Canada as well as with other departments, the Minister of Innovation,
                   Science and Economic Development and with other national statistical
                   offices. A strong governance was put in place with a  modernization
                   head and a modernization steering committee.
                 5.  Test  /  Do.  Four  pathfinder  projects  were  identified  to  test  the
                   modernization  agenda.  They  were  the  measurement  of  cannabis,
                   transition to a low-carbon economy, international tourism to Canada
                   and  foreign-owned  housing.  Tests  also  involve  new  leading-edge
                   methods such as modelling in the form of projects involving small area
                   estimation or machine learning.
                 6.  Analysis. Lessons learned were studied and a decision was made to
                   continue and expand modernization based on intelligence gathered by
                   the pathfinder projects.
                 7.  Communication.  Employees  have  been  fully  informed  during  the
                   process as were also stakeholders, decision makers and Canadians. For
                   example, an internal modernization bulletin is regularly issued to keep
                   all employees informed.

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