Page 67 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 67

IPS57 Joanne H.
                 It is also important to recognise that the ABS operates as an entity within
            the  Australian  data  system.  Data  initiatives  or  issues  in  one  sector  or
            jurisdiction can quickly change public perceptions about data use in general.
            For  example,  the  possible  introduction  of  new  data  sharing  and  release
            legislation  in  Australia  later  this  year  is  likely  to  promote  greater  public
            awareness and discussion about data sharing and use and influence public

            5.   Abs Building Trust Model
                The ABS Building Trust model comprises a conceptual model (that shows
            trust drivers and behaviours to build trust) and a strategic model (that outlines
            the domains of action for activities that will help build public trust in ABS data
                Diagram 2 illustrates the conceptual model of trust. At a fundamental level,
            trust in a data organisation can be understood as the organisation having the
            right motives, keeping promises and demonstrating professional competence.
            These  three  characteristics  show  the  level  of  trustworthiness  of  an
            organisation.  However,  trustworthiness  is  a  necessary,  but  not  sufficient
            condition  for  gaining  community  acceptance  or  trust  in  use  of  data.
            Trustworthiness  needs  to  be  accompanied  by  actions  to  demonstrate
            trustworthiness, which together will influence levels of community acceptance
            or trust. The model shows actions as trust drivers and behaviours to build trust.
            The trust drivers in the model are based on six essential principles for ensuring
            a trustworthy data system, recently published by the World Economic Forum.

            7  World Economic Forum, Data Policy in the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Insights on personal
            insights-on-personal-data (Link as of 24/04/2019.)
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