Page 18 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 18

IPS178 Sana Antoine S. J.

                    Figure 2: Headline versus Core CPI (year on year change)  Sources: CAS, BDL

                      Based on figure 2, we can notice that headline CPI is more influenced by
                  oil prices and, consequently, more volatile than core CPI. For  instance, the
                  jump in prices which happened in 2009 is essentially due to the Brent price
                  increase. As expected, the core CPI is slightly less impacted by the shock on
                  oil prices and stands below headline CPI during the period 2009-2011. The
                  opposite happened in 2014, when Brent prices dropped drastically: the drop
                  of core CPI is smaller than the one of headline CPI.
                      Nevertheless, we also notice that core CPI is only a partial improvement
                  to headline CPI since the effects of oil prices are still clearly seen in the graph.
                  Actually, this approach relies on the fact that components are classified into
                  two clear separate groups: those impacted by domestic monetary measures
                  and  those  exclusively  influenced  by  external  factors.  Unfortunately,  this
                  assumption does not hold for many reasons:
                        Some items are impacted by external and internal factors. For instance,
                         transportation prices are clearly impacted by the world price of oil as
                         well as by the level of wages in Lebanon (bus driver, mechanic).
                        Cost of imports can  be transmitted to all items through indirect or
                         second-round effects. For instance, an increase in the price of imported
                         capital  machinery  and  raw  materials  affect  indirectly  all  industry-
                         related items of CPI.
                      b-  Model-based approach
                      In  order  to  overcome  the  previous  limitations,  a  regression  model  is
                  proposed  to  estimate  the  importance  of  imported  inflation  in  the  total
                  headline  inflation  in  Lebanon.  This  model  does  not  make  any  distinction
                  between  sectors  but  explains  the  variations  in  CPI  using  variables  which
                  describe both domestic and external economic environment.
                  The main external variables impacting consumer prices are:
                        Brent price (US Energy Information Administration)
                        Agricultural Index (World Bank)

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