Page 19 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 19

IPS178 Sana Antoine S. J.
                  USD/EUR exchange rate (FED)
            The domestic variables are the following:
                  M3: money supply (BDL)
                  WAIR: weighted average interest rate (BDL)
                A dummy has been included for the year 2012 to account for the “jump”
            in  CPI  due  to  the  change  in  its  housing  component.  In  addition  to  this
            “artificial” change, the year 2012 witnessed an increase of salaries in the public
            sector as well as a massive arrival of Syrian refugees which translated into
            higher demand and prices in the housing sector. As we can notice from figure
            3, the variations in CPI closely follow the variations of the Brent price and Food

               Figure 3: CPI, Brent and Food index  Sources: CAS, US EIA, WB Commodity

                                             Price Data

            OLS estimation
                 Based on unit root tests, we decide to consider the first log-differenced
            series for the OLS estimation. Furthermore, due to the highly noisy nature of
            the month-on-month log-differenced series, we perform our estimation using
            year-on-year logdifferences. Finally, the agricultural index and the Brent price
            are strongly correlated (0.75) which lead us to keep the Brent time series for
            the final estimation.
            The following OLS regression has been performed:

            Δ(log (CPIheadline))
                           = β0 + β1 Δ(log (M3)) + β2Δ(log(WAIR)) + β3Δ(log(BRENT)) +
                               β4Δ(log(EXR)) + dummy + ϵ
                 In addition to the headline CPI, we performed the same regression on a
            measure  of  the  “core  CPI”  which  excludes  Food  and  Energy  items.  Such

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