Page 270 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 270

IPS243 Arvydas L.
                  Questionnaire  (JFSQ)  definitions  and  classification,  and  to  refer  to  the  7th
                  edition  of  the  General  Nomenclature  of  Tropical  Wood  (ATIBT,  2016).  The
                  updated classification was expected to take into account not only products
                  included in the JFSQ but also other wood and paper products that had not
                  been covered by the JFSQ yet (e.g. railway sleepers, densified wood, cork, etc.).
                      In the first stage, the revision of the FPC&D (FAO & UNECE, 1981) was
                  done in order to evaluate outdated wood and paper products included in the
                  classification and missing new products. HS 2012 and HS 2017, producers’ and
                  associations’ information materials as well as technical publications (e.g. Forest
                  Products Annual Market Revue) were used as source of information on new
                  wood and paper products. Based on this revision, it was decided to propose a
                  completely new structure and coding system in comparison with the current
                  FPC&D (FAO & UNECE, 1981)

                  3.  Results
                      The classification is designed to cover the whole spectrum of primary and
                  secondary  wood  and  paper  products.  It  encompasses  not  only  more
                  commonly produced and traded wood and paper products for which FAO
                  collects  statistics  on  a  regular  basis,  but  it  also  covers  new  wood-based
                  products which appeared during the last years. Included is wood taken from
                  forests or from trees outside the forest, bark and cork; charcoal; wood and
                  wood-based materials resulting from the first processing of the wood available
                  from forest operations (including sawnwood, railway sleepers, veneer sheets,
                  wood  pulp  and  wood  residues);  and  materials  resulting  from  further
                  processing  of  some  of  these  materials  (e.g.  woodbased  panels,  paper  and
                  paperboard); recovered paper and recoverable wood products. In line with
                  JFSQ structure, the previous classification was also extended for secondary
                  wood and paper products for which trade statistics are regularly collected.
                      The classification does not cover manufactured articles of wood and paper
                  and also does not attempt to cover non-wood forest products such as small
                  ornamental trees cut for special purposes; nuts, berries, seeds, or other parts
                  of plants gathered in forest areas; gums, balsams, lacs, etc.; wood derivatives
                  such  as  turpentine,  tall  oil,  sulphite  dye  and  other  chemicals,  for  which  a
                  separate  publication  was  prepared  and  published  by  FAO  (Sorrenti,  2017).
                  Forestry operations and services are also not taken into account.  Non-wood
                  materials are partially included in the new classification, namely in the group
                  panels where other ligno-cellulosic materials are taken into account and in the
                  group  pulp  which  contains  pulp  made  from  non-wood  fibrous  vegetable
                  materials as well as waste paper. The reason for inclusion of these products
                  was, that they have the same use as same material made from wood and may
                  be produced in conjunction with, wood or wood-based materials.

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