Page 268 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 268

IPS243 Arvydas L.
                  are  subject  to  revisions  and  changes  over  time  because  a  statistical
                  classification  must  be  up-to-date  as  recommended  by  United  Nations
                  Statistical Division (UNSD) (Hoffmann & Chamie, 2002).
                  The  first  version  of  the  FPC&D  was  published  in  1973.  This  version  was
                  superseded by the second version, published in 1979 and the last version was
                  adopted in 1981 (FAO & UNECE, 1981) and it is valid until now. A unique
                  numerical  reference  to  each  element  and  aggregate  was  used  to  identify
                  characteristics  used  for  classification  of  subdivisions,  namely  stage  of
                  manufacture, chief component material, technology applied and intended use.
                  Regarding coverage, the FPC&D cover the wood and wood-based products
                  for which FAO and United Nations Economic Commissions for Europe (UNECE)
                  collected statistics on a regular basis in 1981. Very important and useful part
                  of the FPC&D is the harmonization with the major international classification
                  by means of cross references, which are defined as indications of some degree
                  of  coincidence  between  the  two  classifications,  not  of  a  one-toone
                  Other  major  international  classifications,  used  mainly  in  trade  statistics,
                  describe wood and paper products in more or less detailed level.
                  Harmonized  System  (HS)  was  developed  by  World  Customs  Organization
                  (WCO)  as  an  international  nomenclature  for  the  classification  of  products.
                  According to Ramaschiello (2015) “more than 98% of the merchandise in the
                  international trade is classified using HS and almost all countries use it for
                  statistical and administrative purposes”. It is revised every five years and next
                  revision HS 2022 will be released in 2022. The WCO sets a threshold of USD
                  50 million of annual trade value for new subheadings and USD 100 million for
                  new headings (Ramaschiello, 2015). The classification in the HS is based on the
                  next criteria:  (a)  raw or basic material, (b) degree of processing, (c)  use or
                  function, (d) economic activity. For the followed HS revision (HS 2022), next
                  new  50  subheadings  are  proposed  by  the  Intersecretariat  Working  Group
                  (IWG) in order to improve classification of wood and paper products in the
                  international trade.
                  The  Central  Product  Classification  (CPC)  covers  all  goods  and  services,
                  including  transportable  goods,  non-transportable  goods  and  services.
                  Distinguishing  characteristics  are  the  physical  properties  and  the  intrinsic
                  nature of the products, these include, for example, the raw materials of which
                  goods  are  made,  the  stage  of  production  or  the  way  in  which  goods  are
                  produced  or  services  rendered,  the  purpose  or  user  category  for  which
                  products are intended and the prices at which they are sold. The industrial
                  origin is distinguished on the level of subclasses (UN, 2015). The CPC is revised
                  every five years. The latest version CPC Ver.2.1, which has been released in
                  2015, encompasses 21 new five-digit codes for forest products and it is better
                  harmonized with HS 2012 compared to previous one.

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