Page 267 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 267

IPS243 Arvydas L.

                               The new proposal of forest products
                                   classification and definitions
                                  Arvydas Lebedys , Michal Synek
                                  1  Forestry Officer (Statistics), FAO, Rome
            2  Member of the national team on Forest Products Statistics in the Czech Republic, Olomouc –
                                            Czech Republic

            The first version of Forest Products Classification and Definitions (FPC&D) was
            prepared by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
            and published in 1973 with last adoption in 1981. The paper summarizes the
            updated proposal on classification and definitions that takes into account the
            recent changes in technology, changes in wood-based industry and in trade
            and incorporate new wood and paper products.
            The  new  proposal  of  FPC&D  constitutes  a  complete  product  classification
            covering  all  wood  and paper  products.  It  has  been  designed  to  provide  a
            comprehensive  view  on  wood  and  paper  products  which  will  be  useful  in
            relation to forestry and forest industry production, industry capacity and trade.
            They do not attempt to lay down strict definitions such as might be found in
            national  standards  or  in  trade  and  tariff  regulations,  but  they  do  aim  at
            drawing attention to the characteristics which differentiate between items that
            are of practical importance in the different areas of the sector's activities, and
            to indicate aggregate and subdivisions of products and materials that have
            practical significance. The new version of FPC&D also provides a framework
            for international comparison and promotes harmonization of various types of
            statistics related to forest products. Moreover it can be useful in developing
            statistical systems related to forests and producing statistics on production,
            industry capacity and trade and it can also serve as a useful reference for the
            correspondences between existing international statistical systems related to

            forest products statistics; wood products; paper products

            1.  Introduction
            A system of classification and definitions is an essential component in work on
            forest products statistics, industry and trade statistics, and in the development
            of  forestry  and  industry  statistical  systems.  A  variety  of  classifications,
            nationally and internationally, have been developed to suit a wide range of
            statistical needs. Therefore, there is also a strong need for correspondence
            tables between various classification systems. Meanwhile, these classifications

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