Page 337 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 337

IPS273 Tomoki Tokuda et al.

            board’  where  both  objects  and  features  are  exclusively  partitioned (Fig.1A;
            features  are  partitioned  based  on  their  distribution  patterns).  Yet,  the  co-
            clustering  method  (as  well  as  conventional  clustering  methods)  does  not
            always work well for real data, because real data may have different ‘views’
            that characterize multiple clustering structures (Fig. 1B; Muller et al., 2012; Niu
            et al., 2010).
                To  find  the  underlying  multiple  clustering  structures,  however,
            determination  of  the  number  of  views  is  not  straightforward.  A  promising
            approach is based on nonparametric mixture models assuming multivariate
            Gaussian mixtures for each view proposed by Guan (2010). In this approach,
            the  full  Gaussian  model  for  covariance  matrices  is  considered,  and  the
            numbers of views and of object clusters are inferred in a data-driven way via
            the  Dirichlet  process.  Such  a  method  is  quite  useful  to  discover  possible
            multiple cluster structures by screening out irrelevant features, when these
            numbers are not known in advance. However, this method suffers from the
            drawback that features need to belong to the same distribution family, which
            severely limits its application, because real data often include both numerical
            and  categorical  features.  Further,  its  application  is  rather  limited  to  low
            dimensional cases (p < n), because in high-dimensional cases, sample size to
            infer the full covariance matrix of Gaussian distribution may be insufficient,
            resulting in overfitting.

            Figure 1. Illustration of clustering structures. In each panel, the horizontal axis denotes
            feature index, while the vertical axis subject index. Subjects and features are sorted in
            the  order  of  their  cluster  memberships.  Dashed  lines  denote  boundaries  between
            subject clusters or between feature clusters. Note that in Panels (B) and (C), subjects
            members in view 1 and view 2 are the same, but they are differently sorted following
            their cluster memberships in each view.

                To  address  the  aforementioned  problems,  we  consider  a  multiple
            clustering  framework  in  which  we  can  make  the  best  use  of  co-clustering
            structure  that  is  not  prone  to  overfitting.  We  propose  a  novel  multiple
            clustering method (referred to hereafter as the multiple co-clustering method)

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