Page 333 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 333

IPS271 Edgar Vielma Orozco et al.
            data,  the  security  schemes  from  the  access  to  the  computer  tools,  the
            encryption  of  the  information  in  the  MD  and  during  its  transfer,  until  its
            integration in the centralized database. The modules for the generation of
            progress and control reports were also improved and the problems related to
            the use of the digital camera of the MD for the reading of QR (Quick Response)
            codes and the use of the GPS for the registration of the GPS coordinates were

            5.  Technological Architecture and information security
                In the Census 2020 tests, a strategy has been implemented for the transfer
            of information in which tools are used for the generation of packed files with
            security passwords, and in their interior, with the databases encrypted with the
            algorithm of the AES256 method (Advanced Encryption Standard with 256-bit
            keys).  These  encrypted  data  packages  are  sent  through  the  Information
            Integration  Module  of  the  OPERA  System,  which  is  hosted  on  a  secure
            institutional  website,  subsequently  deposited  in  mass  storage  servers  and
            finally they are integrated to the central database server.
                The services of telecommunications, institutional network and servers of
            applications, databases and mass storage within the institutional network are
            provided by the computer infrastructure areas, who are in charge of keeping
            them available. The service availability scheme is configured through a load
            balancer  of  requests,  through  the  OPERA  web  domain,  which  equally
            distributes  each  processing  request  between  the  application  servers  and
            available  databases.  In  addition,  a  series  of  security  standards  and  service
            availability tests allow planned stability throughout the whole process. For the
            development of Web systems, Visual Studio .NET is used, which is a complete
            set  of  tools  for  the  generation  of  this  type  of  applications;  the  AngularJS
            development  framework  is  also  used,  since  it  provides  techniques  for  the
            creation  of  SPA  applications  (Single  Page  Application),  which  benefits  the
            performance by making requests to the application server are lighter by only
            requiring specific parts of the page. On the other hand, the use of JWT (JSON
            Web  Token)  implements  a  more  secure  communication  and  facilitates  the
            administration of users, assigning roles and permissions. Oracle 12c is used to
            manage  the  database,  providing  greater  security  and  availability  of

            6.  Main technological innovations
               The innovations for the realization of the 2020 Census consist on the use
            of mobile devices in the data collection and training; the possibility that the
            population  can  self-enumerate  via  the  Internet  or  through  a  telephone-
            assisted interview; the use of QR codes; as well as the capture of the GPS
            coordinates during the routes of the work areas by the personnel.

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