Page 339 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 339

IPS273 Tomoki Tokuda et al.

            Figure 2. Demonstration of the multiple co-clustering algorithm. The algorithm starts
            with  a  random  initialization  for  an  arbitrary  number  of  views.  Subsequently,
            hyperparameters  in  parameter  distributions  are  iteratively  updated.  The  resultant
            clustering structure in each round of updating is shown in a panel. It is observed that
            the algorithm has converged at Round 7. The horizontal axis denotes feature indices,
            while the vertical axis subject indices.

            Note that the number of feature clusters may differ among views, but to avoid
            cluttering, we take G as the maximum number of feature clusters over views,
            allowing  for  empty  clusters.  Similarly,  for  subject  cluster  memberships,  we
            introduce a  ×  latent matrix Zi, which denotes subject cluster memberships
            for the subject i in views. For instance, Zi=((0, 1, 0, 0) , (1, 0, 0, 0) , (0, 0, 0, 1) )
            denotes that the subject i belongs to the subject cluster 2 in view1, the subject
            cluster 1 in view 2, and subject cluster 4 in view 3. Hereafter, we denote a
            cluster block for feature cluster g and subject cluster k in view v, as cluster
            block (g, k, v).
               Probabilistic model in a cluster block: For numerical features, we assume
            that instances in each cluster block follow a univariate normal distribution with
            specific mean and variances. We denote a pair of mean and variance for cluster
            block  (g,  k,  v)  by   ,,. Using  this  notation,  the  logarithm  of  conditional
            likelihood of X is given by

                log (|, , Θ) = ∑ ,,,, ( ,,  = 1) ( ,,  = 1) log ( | ,, )    (1)

            where () is an indicator function, i.e., returning 1 if x is true, and 0 otherwise;
            Y={Yj}; Z={Zi};  = { ,, }; ,,  an element (g, v) of  ;  ,,  an element (k, v)
            of Zi. If we know the true values of Y, Z and , Eq.(1) simply becomes a sum
            of the logarithm of density function, which is evaluated in each cluster block
            for  instances  that  belong  to  the  corresponding  cluster  block.  Similarly,  for
            categorical  and  integer  features,  we  define  multinomial  (including  a
            categorical  distribution  as  a  special  case)  and  Poisson  distributions,
            respectively. The conditional log-likelihood of the concatenated data of these
            different types of distributions is simply a sum of the right hand side in Eq.(1)
            for each type of distribution.
               Prior and posterior for parameters: Our objective is to infer unknown
            parameters Y, Z and  from the data matrix X. We infer these in a Bayesian
            approach, introducing prior distributions for these parameters. Since we do
            not know the true number of views and the true numbers of feature clusters
            and subject clusters, we assume infinite numbers for views and clusters, which
            is modeled in the framework of Dirichlet process. For probabilistic parameters
            , we assume conjugate priors for each type of distribution. Using a joint prior

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