Page 344 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 344

IPS273 Tomoki Tokuda et al.

                  Figure 4. Classification of D1, D2 and D3. Panel (A): Distribution of subjects.
                  Panel (B): A classification tree based on Panel (A).

                  4. Conclusion
                     We  have  developed  a  novel  multiple  co-clustering  method  based  on
                  nonparametric  Bayesian  mixture  models.  This  method  can  reveal  the
                  underlying  multiple  view  structures  in  which  co-clustering  structures  with
                  different  types  of  distributions  are  imbedded.  Applying  this  method  to  a
                  concatenated  dataset  of  different  modalities  of  depression  data,  we  have
                  identified a relevant view for subtypes of depression. Further analysis of this
                  view implies a  possible classification of  treatment-resistant depression and
                  non-treatment-resistant depression prior to the onset of SSRI treatment. This
                  result is useful for further investigation of classification of MDD patients from
                  the perspective of treatment effect.

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