Page 373 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 373

IPS280 VEUN, Thy et al.
            are  increasingly  becoming  important.  Cambodia  Socio-Economic  Survey
            (CSES), which has been conducted regularly every year from 2007 to 2017, and
            every  two-year  afterwards,  provides  such  estimates  only  at  national  and
            regional levels. This limitation posts a lot of challenges to policy makers and
            other data users in their policy studies and preparations, and their related
            statistics  compilations  at  their  desired  granulated  levels.  Because  of  the
            unavailability of these data, the current estimates of such statistics are based
            dominantly on the benchmarks from the national estimates which somehow
            distort  the  actual  representation  of  individual  provinces.  Aside  from  these
            statistics, there are many other economic and social indicators for the 2030
            Sustainable Development Goals which are needed to measure and compile at
            provincial level using data from this household survey. Being able to do so,
            the study on the development of alternative sampling designs for the existing
            household surveys which can provide the reliable estimates of such indicators
            at a more granulated level, specifically at provincial level, is required. This study
            shall contribute insights on the construction of a new sampling design for
            household surveys in Cambodia with provincial domains. This study aims to
            search for sampling techniques and statistical methods applicable on the kind
            of population characteristics of Cambodia.
                The sampling design of the existing CSES from the 2014 to 2017 were done
            based on the stratified three-stage sampling design. In the stratification, the
            frame  of  all  villages  in  Cambodia  was  stratified  into  38  strata  frames  (19
            province groups and urban-rural). Among the 19 province groups, 14 of which
            correspond to individual provinces and 5 of which correspond to grouped
            provinces  as  a  combination  of  two  adjacent  provinces.  From  each  frame,
            implicit  stratification  was  also  carried  out  before  the  selection  of  sample
            villages  by  sorting  the  frame  according  to  their  geographical  orders.  The
            sample size of urban villages was determined for 30% of the total sample size.
            For each stratum the sample size was then allocated proportionally according
            to the number of villages of the stratum among the whole urban or rural areas
            of the country.
                With goal of providing provincial estimates, this study aimed to compare
            different methods in stratifying the population based on the distribution of
            the target variables of CSES. Section 2 provides description of the data used
            and the different stratification approaches compared in this study. Section 3
            discusses  the  results  of  the  study,  whereas  Section  4  provides  some
            conclusions based on these results.

            2.  Methodology
                The most updated list of all villages in Cambodia from the 2008 population
            census with some updates on the administrative and other related changes
            was used in this study. This has served as the frame for all household related

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