Page 406 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 406

IPS298 Waleed Abdelkhalik
                     8.  Issuing  the  statistical  report  to  monitor  and  follow  up  SDGs  in
                        The national statistical report on SDGs’ 2030 presents the current status
                     of the indicators for which data are available and Highlighting some gaps
                     and challenges related to some indicators that require further study so that
                     they can be obtained in a accurate, systematic and comparable manner.
                     (for more details see: National statistical report for SDG,2018 that available
                     at CAPMAS

                   An Examples of SDG indicators that available in Egypt

                  Goal 1: No Poverty - End poverty in all its forms everywhere.
                  1.4.1  Proportion of population living in households with access to basic

                         Connected to the main                Connected to a safe
                       water Network 97%.- 2017             sewerage system  66% -
                      Source: CAPMAS, 2017

                  Goal 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and
                  sustainable agriculture.
                  2.2.1 Prevalence of stunting among children under 5 years of age (height for
                  age <-2 standard deviation from the median by World Health Organization
                  (WHO) Child Growth Standards)

                                   The rate of stunting among children under the age of 5 years
                                 Source: DHS Survey, 2014

                  Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
                  3.1.1 Maternal mortality ratio

                                        49 cases / 100,000 live births.
                                        Source: Ministry of Health, 2015

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