Page 409 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 409

IPS298 Waleed Abdelkhalik
                       Absence of developing statistical legislations, and its reflection
                        on statistical activity and relations with partners.
                       Multiple challenges related to transforming administrative
                        registers into statistical registers.
                       Shortage of suitable finance and technical support, and
                        developing national statistical cadres according to global
                       Gaps in data and methodologies, globally, regionally, and locally

            4.  Discussion and Conclusion (Challenges can be fruitful opportunities)
                Measuring SDG indicators face significant challenges in Egypt, where the
              major challenge to SDG monitoring and follow up is expanding the goals as
              they cover a wide range of issues, including the human activity on earth,
              using water, energy, food, agriculture, health, sustainable consumption and
              production, manufacturing, urbanization, education, inequality, poverty, as
              well as gender issues. and disaggregated data that not available to ensure
              measuring the indicators and making international comparisons, however
              there are many opportunity to face this challenges by:

                1.  Speed up the finalization of the National Strategy for the Development
                    of the Egyptian Statistical System, which will ensure the provision of a
                    framework for partnership and collaboration with all the elements of
                    the  statistical  system  in  a  manner  that  serves  the  acceleration  and
                    legalize the processes of monitoring 2030 SDG indicators.
                2.  Promote  communication  with  the  partners  producing  data  on  the
                    international/  regional/  national  levels  and  in  coordination  and
                    collaboration with NSO, in order to hold regular meetings to identify
                    the most significant challenges, conduct technical reviews for the work
                    methodologies, and determine the most important indicators that may
                    need surveys, which may positively impact monitoring the progress
                    towards SDGs.
                3.  Expand  the  use  of  the  administrative  records  to  produce  official
                    statistics  and  achieve  the  sustainable  measurement  of  2030  SDG
                4.  Introduce new sources and techniques to obtain the data related to
                    sustainable development indicators and employ modern technologies,
                    like using GIS and big data.
                5.  Strengthen the relationship between CAPMAS and all its partners in
                    the  statistical  work  by  fostering  the  culture  of  participation  in
                    producing the indicators (the private sector, NGOs, scientific research
                    centres, universities and others).

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