Page 408 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 408

IPS298 Waleed Abdelkhalik

                  3.  The results of evaluation The Current Situation for SDGs in Egypt.
                        1.  The  first  national  statistical  report    on  the  SDG  indicators  was
                           launched in May 2018; it outlines the classification of SDG indicators
                           into the three tiers prescribed by the global indicator framework on
                           the  basis  of  their  level  of  methodological  development  and  the
                           availability  of  data,(the  percentage  of  indicator  that  Available  was
                           around 40%, Tier1(35,7%), Tier2(29.1%), Tier3(32.4%), not applicable
                           (2.9%), notated that there are many indicators with gaps related with
                           disaggregation such as migration ,disability …etc.)

                  Figure 2: the statistical situation of the SDGs in Egypt by Goal

                  Source: First National Statistical Report of SDGs in Egypt. Cairo: CAPMAS.2018.

                      2.  The results of evaluations SDGs in Egypt refers to many challenges
                           facing  statistical  coverage  of  goals  and  indicators  of  sustainable
                           development 2030 in Egypt in the framework of data ecosystem, and
                           classifies  them  into  general,  legislative,  legal,  organizational,
                           technical,  technological,  human,  and  consultative  challenges  as
                             The large increase in size and details of required data, and
                             backwardness of tools and methods of collecting, processing,
                             and analysing related Big Data.

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