Page 41 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 41

IPS178 Barend de Beer
               The  third  component  of  the  SEF  relates  primarily  to  the  end  users  of
            statistics as stakeholders. The diagram identifies different internal and external
            user  stakeholders.  Internal  to  the  Bank  the  main  stakeholders  are
            policymakers, macro modellers, academic researchers, and other departments
            within  the  Bank.  External  end-user  stakeholders  are  policy  makers,  media,
            industry,  academia,  general  public,  central  banks,  and  international
            organisations. The value proposition to each of these identified stakeholders
            differs and requires a detailed plan to service their unique requirements. For
            statistics to be meaningful to the identified stakeholder segments they need
            to be properly channelled and communicated. In addition to the conventional
            channels to reach the identified stakeholders, the following are examples that
            can  be  explored  to  enhance  delivery:  1)  social  networking  platforms,  2)
            domain specific seminars and networks, 3) workshops targeted to industry
            groups, 4) interviews with newspapers and television stations with briefings
            focused on particular statistical issues, 5) regular sessions with journalists and
            media representatives, 5) short information videos on the web or television, 6)
            thematic sessions at universities and other training institutions, 7) stalls and
            posters at relevant events, 8) continuous refinement and adjustment of the
            monthly or quarterly statistics publications, and 9) metadata explanation in
            standardised  non-technical  language.  In  addition,  to  the  above  mentioned
            initiatives  which  could  be  implemented  in  the  short  to  medium  term,
            supplementary stakeholder initiatives for the medium to longer term are: 1)
            the  hosting  of  specific  methodological  seminars  exhibiting  the
            methodological  research  done  the  Bank,  2)  development  of  storytelling
            techniques to enhance delivery of statistics, 3) improvement and publication
            of dynamic non-stationary info-graphics with state of the art IT applications,
            4) short and thematic statistical videos, and 5) development of a dedicated
            statistics portal. This range of tools can be stylised and customised to deliver
            and  enhance  the  specific  stakeholder  value  proposition  in  a  customised

            4.  Measuring delivery on the stakeholder value proposition
                After defining the stakeholders in the SVC within the SEF the success of
            the framework in delivering on the value proposition has to be assessed. This
            section  draws  significantly  from  the  recommendations  by  the  Economic
            Commission for Europe’s task force on the value of official statistics (2017).
            Using  those  recommendations  as  foundation,  a  framework  is  proposed  to
            measure the value of statistical outputs. This framework should contain the
            following three components:
                Observable “objective” indicators: Objective indicators to quantify the
                 actual use of the produced statistics by the various stakeholders identified
                 in the 3rd component of the SEF, which should be used in conjunction

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