Page 45 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 45

IPS178 Stephan Müller
                            Internal communication with users at the
                         Deutsche Bundesbank: Improving statistics and

                                          Stephan Müller
                                         Deutsche Bundesbank

            Frictionless  and  well-attuned  communication  between  those  who  compile
            statistics and those who use them is essential in order to bring the supply and
            demand of statistics into equilibrium. Central banks play a special role in this
            context, as they both compile and use statistics. For example, the Deutsche
            Bundesbank compiles monetary, financial, and external statistics, as well as a
            comprehensive set of indicators and seasonally adjusted economic data. This
            information system is used in the monetary policy decision-making process,
            as  well  as  for  macroeconomic  and  macroprudential  analysis.  The  contact
            between economists and statisticians is of particular importance, as it helps
            statisticians understand the user perspective, and economists the statistical
            information and its limitations.
            This paper describes different workstreams within the Bundesbank that have
            been  established  to  facilitate  the  two-way  communication  processes
            mentioned  above.  This  includes  working  groups,  institutionalised  forms  of
            communication,  and  direct  daily  communication.  The  latter  allows  for  the
            exchange  of  information  at  the  operational  level,  which  facilitates  direct
            feedback.  All  forms  of  communication  strengthen  economic  analysis  and
            macroprudential policy on the one hand and provide valuable information
            enabling statisticians to improve their products on the other.

            Communication  processes;  user  needs;  decision-making  process;  valuable
            information; improved statistical products

            1.  Introduction
                At central banks, communication processes between the producers and
            the users of statistical data play an important role. Internal users need high-
            quality data to fulfil their tasks and therefore need frictionless communication
            with  the  respective  data  providers.  The  Deutsche  Bundesbank  compiles  in
            particular monetary, financial, and external statistics, and also comprehensive
            sets  of  indicators  and  seasonally  adjusted  economic  data.  These  data  are
            primarily used in the context of monetary policy decision-making as well as
            macroeconomic and macroprudential analysis. Well-attuned communication
            processes between statisticians and economists are thus helpful in gaining an

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