Page 490 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 490

IPS2339 Ning Jizhe

                                 Opportunities and challenges facing China’s
                                               Official Statistics
                                                  Ning Jizhe
                                Commissioner of the National Bureau of Statistics of China

                  Proceeding  from  the  importance  of  official  statistics  on  modern  state
                  governance, the paper elaborates on the opportunities and challenges facing
                  China’s official statistics over recent years and the way forward. The paper
                  holds  that  China’s  official  statistics  is  developing  on  the  fast  track,  facing
                  unprecedented opportunities provided by the demand for modernization of
                  state governance system and governance capacity, the demands for statistical
                  data from all sectors of society, the development and application of modern
                  information  network  technology,  and  the  ever-growing  international
                  exchange and  cooperation.    Meanwhile,  the  governments  at  various  levels
                  pose increasingly higher demands upon statistical indicators and statistical
                  data; the respondents are growing in number; and the application of modern
                  statistical  approaches  is  relatively  backward.  All  these  constitute  new
                  challenges to official statistics.  To respond to the new requirements under
                  new circumstances, Chinese official statistical offices will endeavor to build and
                  improve a statistical system conducive to high-quality economic development,
                  deepen  the  reform  on  system  of  national  accounts,  advance  information
                  disclosure, data sharing and statistical analysis and interpretation, organize the
                  construction  of  statistical  cloud  infrastructure,  strengthen  statistical
                  supervision  according  to  law,  and  implement  monitoring  on  the  statistical
                  indicators of the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, so as to make due
                  contributions  to  the  development  and  progress  of  official  statistics  in  the

                  Opportunities; Challenges; Reform

                  1.  Introduction
                     Official  statistics  constitutes  an  important  basis  for  macro  control  and
                  informed governance of the country and the ability of collecting and analyzing
                  statistical  information  represents  the  governance  capability  of  a  modern
                  country. Throughout the world, digital governance has increasingly become
                  the major means of state governance. We always need to refer to authentic,
                  accurate, complete and timely data when it comes to make judgments about
                  the  economic  situation,  develop  policies  for  national  macro  control,  or

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