Page 486 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 486

IPS355 Georg Lindgren
                         Here  +− (0, ) is the bivariate intensity that there is a zero upcrossing
                      at  0  and  a  downcrossing  at  t  with  no  restriction  to  what  happens  in
                      between.  That  term  obviously  gives  an  overestimation  of  the  density.
                      Subtracting  the  integral  ∫ =0  0  (0, , )  that  there  is  an  extra
                      downcrossing  somewhere  ( )  gives  an  underestimation,  and  so  on.
                      Improvements to the moment based Rice series was a recurrent theme in
                      applied studies of excursion times, during several decades.
                  d)  Rice’s  handling  of  crossing  and  multiple  crossing  intensities  was  quite
                     intuitive and the strict in-terpretation of “the distribution” of an excursion
                     was  by  no  means  clear.  For  example,  one  can  ask  for  the  conditional
                     probability  that  () > 0,0 <  < , given  that  (0) = 0, upcrossing,  an
                     event that has probability zero for any stationary Gaussian process. That
                     would give the probability that the excursion lasts more t time units after
                     an excursion-start at 0.
                         Kac-Slepian’s  h.w.  (horizontal  window)  conditioning  (1959) gave  a
                     precise  meaning  to  the  conditioning  on  the  zero-probability  crossing
                     event. All conditional probabilities should be defined as the limit of a well
                     defined conditional probability, given a crossing, not exactly at 0, but in a
                     horizontal  window  [0, ℎ]  the  limit  taken  as  h  ↓ 0.  Kac  and  Slepian  also
                     showed, by an ergodic argument, that a h.w. conditioned distribution is
                     equal to the limit of the corresponding empirical distribution observed
                     after  all   −upcrossings   > 0, tk  as  the  observation  interval  goes  to
                     infinitity: the probability that an excursion exceeds  is

                         (( + ) > ; 0 <  < |( ) = , h.w upcrossing)

                        #{ < ; ( + ) > , 0 <  < }  (#{ < 1; ( + ) > , 0 <  < }
                  = lim                           =                              .    (5)
                    →∞           #{ < }                      (#{ < 1})

                         Thus, the meaning of the condition is clear; what remains is to compute
                     the expectation in the nominator in (5). Rice backed away from the difficult
                     integrals involved in the higher order approximations in the Rice series (4).
                     Interestingly enough, he mentions the possibility to use the condition that
                     ( +  ) >   for equally spaced points    between 0 and t. He concludes
                     that also these integrals should be hard to evaluate. Indeed, advances in
                     statistical computing has made it possible to compute the expectation in
                     (5) with very high accuracy in reasonable time on a standard computer; see
                     Lindgren. 7
                  e)  The 1967 book by Cramer and Leadbetter on stationary processes made
                     crossing problems, Rice’s formula, and its consequences available for the
                     general statistical community. The book also represented a link between
                     the moment based crossing analysis by Rice and others on the stream of

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