Page 488 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 488

IPS355 Georg Lindgren
                     I want to thank Krzysztof Podgorski and Igor Rychlik for comments on this
                  paper and for many years´ of cooperation on the statistical consequences of
                  Rice’s formula.

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                  7.  G. LINDGREN, Gaussian integrals and Rice series in crossing distributions
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                  8.  ____,  Scientific  publications  by  Steve  (Stephen)  O.  Rice  (1907-1986).  .
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                  11.  A. RAINAL, Origin of Rice’s formula, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 34 (1988),
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                  12.  S. RICE, The distribution of the maxima of a random curve, Am. J. Math.,
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                  16.  D.  SLEPIAN,  Steven  O.  Rice  1907–1986,  in  Memorial  Tributes,  vol.  4,
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