Page 127 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 2
P. 127
STS466 Sasongko Y.
Picture 2. Item Category Distribution
Seller Profile
There are 3,191 sellers that sell their products in Lelong on the said period.
From the pie chart, about 88.7% sellers ship their products from Peninsular
area, 9.1% ship overseas and only about 2% sellers ship from East Malaysia.
Peninsular sellers dominate all field. Oversea sellers are more prominent in the
“sport & outdoor” category, while not being active in B2B, industries products
and office equipment. Besides, only Peninsular sellers are selling parts,
bracelets and bathing & skincare products.
Price Characteristics
The variance of price is very high in the market. Some products can go as
much as RM40,000. We did some cleaning by eliminating products that
diverted too much from the skew bar. Still, we see a lot of products price far
greater than the typical range of pricing. TV, security system, home theatre
system, and hand tools are some categories with pricing that are too diverse.
Picture 4. Price Distribution
116 | I S I W S C 2 0 1 9