Page 16 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 2
P. 16

STS451 Yuji M.
                      Table 2 shows the classification of research fields used in this article. This
                      classification is based on ESISA [11] posted in the Web of Science.
                       #  Subject Area        #   Subject Area      #   Subject Area
                       1   Agricultural Sciences   9   Geosciences   17  Pharmacology &
                       2   Biology            10  Immunology        18  Physics
                       3   Chemistry          11  Materials Sciences   19  Plant & Animal Science
                       4   Clinical Medicine   12  Mathematics      20  Psychology/Psychiatry
                       5   Computer Science   13  Microbiology      21  Social Sciences, general
                       6   Economics & Business  14  Molecular  Biology  22  Space Science
                                                  & Genetics
                       7   Engineering        15  Multidisciplinary   23  Arts & Humanities
                       8   Environment/Ecology   16  Neuroscience &
                      This classification is based on Essential Science Indicators Subject Areas of Web of Science

                          2.2.2.  Visualizing the distribution of an organization’s research
                              We propose methods for measuring the organizational research
                          ability,  and  we  also  propose  visualization  methods  for  the
                          organizational integration rates for different fields. To calculate the
                          organizational  research  ability  and  the  organizational  integration
                          rates  of  different  fields,  we  superimpose  information  about
                          researchers  belonging  to  the  organization,  based  on  information
                          about the specialization and application field of each researcher (see
                          Figure 1 (a)). However, the information of each researcher shown in
                          Figure 1 (a) does not show the connection between each research
                          field unless it passes through the researcher located at the centre of
                          the figure, and the linkage is not clear. Therefore, in this method, we
                          used  a  simplified  indication  method  for  reconstructing  the
                          information about each researcher into the information between the
                          fields.  Figure  1  (b)  shows  an  example  of  the  simplified  indication
                          methods of researchers. In Figure 1 (b), the connection between each
                          field is clarified.

                  3.  Methodology
                      In this paper, the ratio difference in all the combinations of the fields is
                  examined. Repetition of similar tests in this way is called multiple comparison
                  and  it  is  generally  said  that  the  probability  of  Type  1  error  increases.  For
                  instance, if a test at the significance level 0.05 is performed 20 times, it will be
                  rejected once potentially even those is in the adopted area. Therefore, a test
                  is conducted by using multiple comparison method based on Bonferroni's

                                                                       5 | I S I   W S C   2 0 1 9
   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21