Page 192 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 2
P. 192

STS479 Ola A.
                  II.  National level (Institutionalisation)
                     On the national level, PCBS worked hard to enhance the capacity of the
                  national  statistical  system,  and  enhance  the  stakeholders'  engagement  in
                  production,  and  dissemination  of  statistics  and  not  only  the  classical  role
                  related to use of statistics as follows:
                    Creating a high-level committee for SDGs headed by Prime Minister Office
                      responsible  for  aligning  SDGs  with  national  priorities  reflected  in  the
                      National Policy Agenda 2017-2022.
                    Creating a national technical team headed by PCBS responsible to fulfill
                      the requirements of national priorities of SDGs.
                    PCBS Advisory Council for Official Statistics headed by the Prime Minister,
                      which increases the awareness, support, and common understanding of
                      statistics  for  politicians  and  decision  makers  which  lead  to  securing
                      government support and financing with statistical independency.

                  III. International level (Partnership)
                     Being  Part  of  the  international  dialogue  and  strong  partnership  with
                  different  international  institutions  represented  a  learning  process  and
                  evolutionary changing process to reach new eras and boost modernisation:
                    PCBS is a member of the High-level Group for Partnership, Coordination
                      and Capacity-Building for statistics for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
                      Development, which put Palestine as key players in seeking change and
                    Best  practices  exchange  between  national  statistical  institutions,  by
                      twining procedure, a good example for that is with ISTAT which helped in
                      creating the mapping matrix of SDGs, and creation of the “Palestine SDGs
                      Data Dissemination Platform”.
                    Open data watch report, PCBS was ranked as 56 on the world in meeting
                      data  openness  and  4th  in  the  Middle  East  Region,  which  is  done  by
                      working on enabling and improving means and coverage
                    UNSD-DFID project platform, allows the dissemination of data for better
                      monitoring of SDGs as reflected in figure 1:

                      Figure 1: PCBS propose implementation process for UNSD-DFID project

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