Page 253 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 2
P. 253

STS489 Danielle J.R. et al.
            (called “districts”) for Malawi, which consisted of 26 out of 28 districts for which
            data  was  available;  administrative  level  2  (called  “districts”)  for  mainland
            Tanzania,  which  consisted  of  176  out  of  184  districts  for  which  data  was
            available;  and  administrative  level  1  (called  “districts”)  for  Uganda,  which
            consisted of 121 out of 122 districts for which data is available; a total of 370
            districts were considered.
                              Environmental and     Cluster Altitude
                          Community Related Variables   Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI)
                                                    Land Surface Temperature (LST)

                              Household Related     Wealth Index
                                  Variables         Mother’s Educational Level
                                                    Household Size
                                                    Type of Toilet Facilities
                                                    Age and Gender of Head of Household
                                                    Type of Place of Residence (Rural/Urban)

                          Individual and Health Related   Age in Months
                                  Variables        Gender
                                                   Malaria RDT Result


            Figure 1: Conceptual framework for potential risk factors of anaemia among children (adapted
            from Ngnie-Teta et al., 2007)

              Statistical Methods
                Univariate logistic regression was used to test for associations between
            each covariate and the child’s anaemia status. Covariates with associations that
            were significant at a 10% level were included in a hierarchical multivariable
            geoadditive  model  with  a  logit  link  function.  A  geoadditive  model  is  a
            structured additive regression model that includes a spatial effect and is based
            on the generalised linear model (GLM) framework (Umlauf et al., 2015). For
            this study,  ℎ  follows a Bernoulli distribution where ( ℎ  =  1) =  ℎ  is
            the probability that child  in household  within  cluster   and district  ℎ is
            anaemic and P ( ℎ = 0) = 1 −  ℎ  is the probability that the child is not
            anaemic. The hierarchical geoadditive model is given by

                    ( ℎ ) =  ′ ℎ  +  ( ℎ ) + ⋯ +  ( ℎ ) +   ( ℎ )   (1)
                where the left side of Equation (1) is the logit link function and the right side
                is the geoadditive predictor. The parameter β is the vector of the linear fixed
                effects  of  the  covariates  that  are  modelled  parametrically,  and  (•),  =
                 1, . . . , , are the unknown smooth functions that represent the non-linear
                effects of the continuous covariates which are modelled non-parametrically,

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