Page 254 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 2
P. 254

STS489 Danielle J.R. et al.
                     thus Equation (1) is a semi-parametric model. The spatial effect of district  in
                     which  the  child  resides,    ∈ (1, . . . , 370),  is  given  by    ( )  which
                     represents the effects of unobserved covariates that are not included in the
                     model and also accounts for spatial autocorrelation (Kandala and Madise,
                     2004).  This  spatial  effect  may  be  partitioned  into  a  spatially  correlated
                     (structured) and an uncorrelated (unstructured) effect as follows:

                                            ( ) =  ( ) +   ( )   (2)
                     The  structured  spatial  effect  ( ) accounts  for  the  assumption  that
                  districts  close  in  proximity  would  have  similar  observations.  However,  the
                  unstructured spatial effect   ( ) accounts for the spatial variation due to
                  effects of unmeasured local factors that are not spatially related.
                     In  this  study,  inference  was  fully  Bayesian,  hence  all  parameters  and
                  functions were treated as random variables. The fixed effect parameters in β
                  were assigned vague Gaussian priors (0, 1000), where the precision = 0.001 =
                  1/variance.  The  Bayesian  perspective  of  penalised  splines  (P-splines)  was
                  adopted for the unknown smooth functions   where second-order random
                  walk  smoothness  priors  and  third  degrees  splines  were  used  (Lang  and
                  Brezger,  2004).  For  the  structured  spatial  effect,  ( ),  intrinsic  Gaussian
                  Markov random field (IGMRF) priors specified by Besag et al. (1991) were used.
                  The unstructured spatial effect   ( ) was assigned i.i.d. Gaussian priors.
                  The  variance  components  of  the  random  and  spatial  effects  are  unknown
                  precision  parameters  that  require  estimation.  Therefore,  hyper-priors  were
                  assigned  to  them  in  a  second  stage  of  hierarchy.  These  hyper-priors  are
                  defined on a logarithmic scale and thus a log-gamma (1,0.001) distribution
                  was used. A sum-to-zero constraint was imposed on the non-linear and spatial
                  effects to ensure model identifiability between the intercept and these effects.
                  Three types of models were fitted:
                    Model 1: GLM model: Linear fixed effects of all variables, categorical and
                    Model 2: GAM model: Linear fixed effects of categorical variables and some
                      continuous variables, and non-linear effect of the child’s age in months.
                    Model 3: Geoadditive Model: Model 2 with the inclusion of the spatial
                     The posterior distributions of the parameters in the models were estimated
                  using Integrated Nested Laplace Approximation, and thus the INLA package
                  in R was used ( (Rue et al., 2009). The final geoadditive
                  model  was  selected  using  the  Deviance  Information  Criteria  (DIC)  and  the
                  effective     number       of      parameters       ( ).   QGIS       3.4
                  (  was used to create maps displaying the

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