Page 29 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 2
P. 29

STS452 Joerg B.
            Adjusted net national savings as a test for sustainable development: all
            ASEAN countries, 2016
                              Indo-   Thai-  Singa-  Philip-  Malay-   Viet Nam   Myan-  Cam-   Darus-
                              nesia   land   pore   pines   sia   mar   bodia   Laos   ASEAN
            Gross national income               Million US $ at current prices
            (GNI)            902,417  392,423  293,765  367,012  288,414  196,687  61,780  18,788  15,126  12,236  2,548,648
                                              % of gross national income (GNI)          0
             Gross national income   100.0   100.0   100.0   100.0   100.0   100.0   100.0  100.0  100.0   100.0   100.0
             - Final consumption   -69.6   -70.2   -49.2   -70.5   -69.4   -78.3   -71.7   -86.6   -83.2   -44.1   -68.2
             + Net transfers   0.5   1.7   -2.1   6.7   -1.6   4.1   3.5   8.3   1.7   -3.3   1.5
             = Gross national savings   30.9   31.5   48.7   36.2   29.1   25.7   31.9   21.7   18.4   52.6   33.2
             - Consumption of fixed
             capital          -17.0   -18.6   -14.8   -7.5   -17.3   -12.3   -4.4   -10.3   -15.7   -8.7   -14.9
             = Net national savingss   13.9   12.9   33.9   28.7   11.8   13.5   27.5   11.3   2.7   43.8   18.3
             + Education expenditure   3.3   4.1   2.7   1.8   4.8   4.6   0.7   2.0   3.0   4.0   3.3
             - Energy depletion   -0.9   -0.6   0.0   -0.1   -1.7   -0.7   -0.4   0.0   0.0   -5.4   -0.7
             - Mineral depletion   -0.4   0.0   0.0   -0.6   -0.1   -0.1   -0.4   0.0   -3.1   0.0   -0.3
             - Net forest depletion   0.0   -0.5   0.0   -0.2   0.0   0.0   -0.7   -1.1   -2.9   0.0   -0.1
             - Carbon dioxide damage   -1.8   -2.7   -0.7   -1.0   -2.9   -3.0   -1.1   -1.4   -0.4   -2.5   -1.9
             - Particulate emission   -0.5   -0.2   -0.1   -0.5   -0.2   -0.3   -0.7   -0.8   -1.2   0.0   -0.3
             = Adjusted net national
             savings          13.7   13.1   35.9   28.2   11.7   14.0   24.8   10.0   -1.9   39.9   18.3
                                                 Population (Mio. persons)              0
             Population      261.115  68.864   5.607  103.320   31.187      94.569  52.885  15.762  6.758   0.423   640.492
                                                    US $ per person                     0
             Gross national income   3,456   5,699   52,390   3,552   9,248   2,080   1,168  1,192  2,238   28,913   3,979
             Adjusted net national   472   745   18,788   1,001   1,082   291   290   120   -43   11,527   728
            Source: The World Bank - World Development Indicators, February 2019
                Long  time  series  for  1995-2017  on  adjusted  net  national  income  and
            adjusted net national saving can be extracted from the World Bank’s World
            Development Indicators (World Bank, 2018).
                An economy is sustainable if it saves more than the depreciation on its
            man-made  physical  and  natural  capital.  In  the  Table  above,  a  test  for
            sustainable development has been made for all ASEAN countries for the year
            2016. The results show large difference in sustainable development.
                Adjusted  net  national  saving  is  the  key  variable  for  sustainable
            development.  The  shares  of  adjusted  net  national  saving  in  gross  national
            income ranged from 39.9 % in Brunei Darussalam to - 1.9 % in Laos. The test
            for  sustainable  development  failed  in  Laos.  High  values  for  adjusted  net
            national saving per person are observed in Singapore (18,788 $/person) and
            in Brunei Darussalam (11,527 $/person). Low values for adjusted net national
            saving  per  person  were  realised  in  Laos  (-43  $/person),  Cambodia  (120
            $/person) and Myanmar (120 $/person). All ASEAN countries combined had
            the following savings ratios of GNI: Gross national savings 33.2%, net national
            savings 18.3%, and adjusted net national savings 18.3%. The positive allocation

                                                                18 | I S I   W S C   2 0 1 9
   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32   33   34