Page 31 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 2
P. 31

STS452 Joerg B.
                 Manfred Lenzen (eds.): The Sustainability Practitioner’s Guide to Multi-
                 Regional Input-Output Analysis, Champaign, Illinois, USA, pp. 220-239.
            5.  Beutel, Joerg (2017): The supply and use framework of national accounts,
                 in: Thijs ten Raa (ed.): Handbook of Input-Output Analysis, Cheltenham,
                 UK, pp. 41-129.
            6.  Beutel, Joerg (2019): Economic diversification and sustainable
                 development of GCC Countries, 2018 Gulf Research Meeting, University
                 of Cambridge, forthcoming in Palgrave Macmillan, p. 39.
            7.  OECD (2018): Harmonised National Input-Output Tables.
            8.  United Nations (2018): Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output
                 Tables with Extensions and Applications.
            9.  Wagner, John E.; Steven C. Deller (1998): Measuring the Effects of
                 Economic Diversity on Growth and Stability, in: Land Economics, Vol. 74,
                 No. 4, pp. 541-556.
            10.  World Bank (2018): World Development Indicators, Washington, DC.

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