Page 62 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 2
P. 62

STS459 Gan C.P. et al.
                  the -th row represents the value of    macroeconomic variables in the  -th
                  quarter. We form the  -th sub-table using the first to  − 1 +    rows of
                  the table.
                      A factor model with its static representation given by
                                                                          = ᴧ + ,
                  may be used to describe the vector  . In Equation (2.1), ᴧ is an  ×  matrix
                  of factor loadings,  is an  × 1 vector of common latent factors underlying
                    and  is a  × 1 vector of random errors.
                      We perform a  principal component analysis of the    columns of the
                  observations in the  -th sub-table. Suppose the principal component with
                  the  -th  largest  variance is  .  We  obtain  the first   principal components
                  ( < ( + )) ,  , … ,  ∗ . Suppose   is the value of    extracted from
                  the   -th  row  of  the  sub-table.  The  row  vector   = ( ,  , … ,  ∗ )  then
                  represents the values of     important latent factors in the -th quarter.
                      Whenever  the  first  value  of  the  vector      represents  the  value  of  the
                  macroeconomic variable in the  -th quarter, we replace this first value by the
                  value of   which represents the values of    important latent factors in the -
                  th  quarter. In this way we can obtain the  -th window of  × ( − 1 +  )
                  rows, each of which represents of an updated value of .
                      The  data  for    in  the   -th  window  is  fitted  with  an  [ + ( − 1) +
                  3( − 1)] -dimensional MPN distribution. From the fitted MPN distribution, a
                  large number   of the values of  are generated. The components of   are
                  transformed  to  the  vector  (1)  of  which  the  first   components  gives  the
                  values  of  the       latent  factors,  the ( + )-th component  represents  the
                  index  of  the  company, while  the  last  3  components  are  the  ratings  in  the
                  previous, present and future quarters.
                      From the large number of the  (1)  generated, we form a table consisting
                  of the values of  (1)  which correspond to a chosen company and the chosen
                  ratings in the previous and present quarters. We next form a sub-table by
                  deleting the   + 1 to  +  columns of the original table. A row in the sub-
                  table then gives the value of a vector  (2)  of which the first   component are
                  the value of the    latent factors and the ( + 1)-th component is the rating
                  in the next quarter for the selected company with the specified rating  ( )  in
                  the previous quarter and the rating  ()  in the present quarter.
                      When the first    values of  (2)  are given by the first     values in the -th
                  row of the sub-table, a conditional distribution is obtained for the  + 1 value
                  of  (2)  . From the conditional distribution, we obtain the probability   that the
                  ( + 1)-th component of  (2)  lies in the interval  . We may investigate the
                  dependence of the probability   on the values of the    latent variables given
                  by the first    components of  (2) .
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