Page 60 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 2
P. 60

STS459 Gan C.P. et al.
                  probability.  Simons  and  Rolwes  (2012)  however  found  that  GDP  growth  is
                  negatively related to probability of default while interest rate and exchange
                  rate are positively related to the probability of default in certain sectors.
                      Castrén,  Dées,  and  Zaher,  (2008),  Wong,  Choi  and  Fong  (2006),  Otani,
                  Shiratsuka, Tsurui and Yamada (2009), Avouyi-Dovi, Mireille, Jardet, Kendaoui
                  and Moquet (2009), Jakubik and Schmieder (2008), Küçüközmen and Yüksel
                  (2006),  Atlintas  (2012),  and  Figlewki,  Frydman  and  Liang  (2012)  also
                  investigated the dependence of credit risk on some selected macroeconomic
                  variables. Rinaldi and Sanchis-Arellano (2006) reported that inflation rate, the
                  ratio of financial assets to disposable income, disposable income itself, the
                  ratio of household debt to household disposable income, and real lending
                  interest  rates  were  important  variables  affecting  non-performing  loans.
                  Yurdakul (2014) reported that growth rate and ISE index reduce banks’ credit
                  risk, while money supply, foreign exchange rate, unemployment rate, inflation
                  rate, and interest rate increase banks’ credit risk.
                      The layout of this paper is as follows. In Section 2, the method based on
                  multivariate power-normal (MPN) distribution (Pooi, 2012) is used to fit the
                  data on credit ratings and macroeconomic variables. Section 3 presents the
                  results  on  the  effects  of  macroeconomic  variables  on  the  credit  rating
                  transition probabilities. Section 4 concludes this paper.

                  2.  Method based on Multivariate Power Normal Distribution
                      The  index  of  the  -th  company  in  a  group  of  N  companies  may  be
                  represented by the N – 1 binary codes  0  010  0 in which the value “1” takes
                  the   -th  position  for  1 ≤  ≤  − 1 ,  while  the  N-th  company  may  be
                  represented by N – 1 zeros. In the case when the number of possible credit
                  ratings is M, the rating j of a company may be represented by the M – 1 binary
                  codes 0 ⋯ 0 1 0 ⋯ 0 in which the value “1” takes the j-th position for 1 ≤  ≤
                   − 1,  while the rating M may be represented by M – 1 zeros.
                      Consider a vector  of  N      3 M    components consisting of the value
                                                         1
                  of a particular selected macroeconomic variable in the present quarter and the
                  codes  for  the  index  of  a  company  together  with  those  for  the  company’s
                  ratings in the previous, present and next quarters. We note that the use of
                  ratings in the previous quarter will enable us to form a non-Markovian model
                  (Gan et. al, 2017). From the credit rating data of N companies over   quarters,
                  a table of  × ( − 2) rows is formed with each row representing a value for
                  . The table can be partitioned into  sub-tables with the  -th (1 ≤  ≤ )
                  sub-table representing the values of  derived from the  -th company. Let
                  n  be a positive integer which is less than ( − 2) . From the  -th sub-table,
                  we form the   -th sub-window using the first until the ( − 1 +  )-th row
                                                                      49 | I S I   W S C   2 0 1 9
   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65