Page 86 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 2
P. 86

STS461 Jukka H.
                      The 2030 Agenda foresees establishing a set of global indicators to follow
                  up and review the goals and targets. The Inter-Agency and Expert Group on
                  SDG  indicators  (IAEG-SDG)  was  created  to  carry  out  this  task,  under
                  supervision  of  the  United  Nations  Statistical  Commission  (UNSC).  UNGA
                  adopted global indicator list of 232 different indicators in July 2017. These
                  indicators cover all 169 targets of Agenda 2030. As some indicators are used
                  to monitor more than one target, the list overall includes 244 indicators. Only
                  40 per cent of indicators are ready to use and classified as tier 1 by the UNSC.
                  For further 31 per cent data are available for only limited number of countries
                  worldwide  and  they  are  classified  as  tier  2.  For  the  remaining  part  of  the
                  methodology  still  has  to  be  agreed  and  they  are  classified  as  tier  3.  Tier
                  classifications  are  under  constant  reclassifications  as  the  global  statistical
                  system evolves. The UNSC anticipates the possibility of yearly refinements to
                  global indicator list, with two comprehensive reviews in 2020 and 2025. The
                  IAEG-SDG  is  working  to  fully  implement  the  global  indicator  list  and  to
                  improve  it  further.  This  includes  supervising  the  methodological  work  to
                  develop  tier  3  indicators  and  the  extension  of  data  coverage  as  well  as
                  identifying possible additional indicators to include in a comprehensive review
                  of the indicator set in 2020. At national level each country is committed to
                  producing their national data on these global UN indicators (Eurostat 2018)
                      Guidelines  of  Conference  of  European  Statisticians  (CES)  to  monitor
                  progress towards SDGs and targets should be the result of close collaboration
                  between statisticians and policy-makers. Statisticians should ensure that the
                  monitoring  of  SDGs  is  consistent  with  relevant  existing  conceptual
                  frameworks. NSOs play key role in measuring the achievement of SDGs and
                  NSOs also serve as national focal points for statistics for SDGs as well as the
                  national coordinating bodies on SDGs. NSOs also play a key role in providing
                  data for global SDG indicators. (UNECE 2017)
                      According to CES recommendations national reporting platforms (NPR) for
                  SDG indicators can have three components (i) a data collection or submission
                  portal  to  different  data  providers,  (ii)  a  production  database  and  (iii)  a
                  dissemination  portal  for  users  containing  tables,  texts  and  publications.
                  Countries should aim to present all SDG indicators available at the national
                  level in their NPRs regardless of their data sources (official statistics as well as
                  data  from  other  data  providers).  Metadata  on  data  sources  should  be
                  presented together with data. Ensuring data validation and quality control are
                  essential. In case of data from other sources NSOs do not have direct authority
                  to apply quality assurance mechanisms, but NSOs should ask data providers
                  to document data quality and the methods used to produce the data. (UNECE

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