Page 88 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 2
P. 88

STS461 Jukka H.
                      Compilation of existing data and metadata was followed by translation of
                  indicator  names into Finnish. The translation was seen highly important as
                  English language and terminology are common to Finnish people. Finally, an
                  internet based national reporting platform was established and published in
                  early  2019.  (Statistics  Finland  2019)  The  Finnish  NPR  is  internet  –based
                  database was realized by Px-web software.

                       Figure 2. Seven phases of establishing Finnish NPR for SDG –indicators

                  3.  Results
                      During  the  project  it  was  possible  to  define  responsible  provider
                  organisation for over 90 per cent of the SDG indicators. The biggest provider
                  was Statistics Finland responsible for 85 indicators of which data is available
                  for 59 indicators. The Finnish Environment Institute could provide 12 out of 24
                  indicators, Ministry of Foreign Affairs 9 out of 12, National Institute for Health
                  and Welfare 6 out of 12, Natural Resource Institute 1 out of 9 and Ministry of
                  Social  Affairs  and  Health  2  out  of  4  indicators.  Other  important  providers
                  include The Finnish National Agency for Education, Prime Minister’s Office,
                  Finnish  Immigration  Service,  Finnish  association  to  promote  sustainable
                  business and Ministry for Agriculture and Forestry.
                      The Finnish national reporting platform (NPR) of Agenda 2030 Sustainable
                  Development Goal (SDG) –indicators was published on February 12th, 2019.
                  At the moment database contains national data for 131 global indicators of
                  the total of internationally agreed set of 243 indicators i.e. some 53 per cent

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