Page 89 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 2
P. 89

STS461 Jukka H.
            of the indicators of which 40 per cent came from domestic providers and 10
            per cent from databases of international organisations. Indicators time-series
            should ideally range from 1990 to 2017, but in many cases only data for some
            recent  years  is  currently  available.  Currently  data  for  91  indicators  is  not
            currently available and definitions for 22 indicators are not yet clarified. The
            SDG indicator set is currently available Finnish, Swedish and English. Table 1
            summarises the current data availability of SDG indicators in Finnish NPR.
                The national statistical office, Statistics Finland, is currently in charge of
            national compilation of global SDG -indicators. In order to extend and update
            the  SDG  -indicator  data  in  NPR,  Statistics  Finland  set  up  a  co-operation
            network of main data producers and Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) in April-
            May  2019.  This  network  ensures  and  coordinates  continued  development
            efforts of the database. In total there are some 11 institutions in Finland that
            provide data for the database NPR. For the running activities statistical office
            has been issued additional allowance in state budget for next five years i.e.
            from 2019 to 2023. Also an option till 2030 have been preliminary agreed with
            the Ministry of Finance.
                In future Statistics Finland will continue national collection, update and
            publish  of  SDG  indicator  data.  Statistics  Finland  also  reports  follow-up
            indicator  data  concerning  Finland  in  international  inquiries.  On
            methodological  side,  Statistics  Finland  also  continues  to  supplement  the
            existing  data  by  exploring  new  data  sources  and  proxy  indicators.  Also
            possibilities  to  replace  data  from  international  organisations  by  domestic
            providers’ data is under examination. International development work is also
            made  to  complement  the  data  sources.  Future  challenges  include  further
            disaggregation by gender, age, disability and geographical area.

                  Table 1. Current SDG data availability in Finnish National Reporting platform

                                                                78 | I S I   W S C   2 0 1 9
   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94