Page 108 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 108

STS518 Steen T.
                  2.2 Connection to random matrices. As mentioned above one of the most
                  important aspects of free independence is its significance for large random
                  matrices. To briefly indicate this, recall that for a Hermitian   ×   −matrix ℋ,
                  the empirical spectral distribution µ  is the probability measure on ℝ given by:
                   =  ∑  =1  , where   ≤ ··· ≤   are the n real eigenvalues of ℋ (counted
                  with multiplicity), and δc denotes the Dirac measure at a real number c. Now,
                  let µ and ν be probability measures on ℝ, and for each n in ℕ assume that An
                  and  Bn are  two  Hermitian  random  matrices  such  that  the  entries  of  An are
                  (jointly) independent of those of Bn, and such that µAn(ω) → µ and µBn(ω) → ν
                  weakly as n → ∞ for almost all ω. Then under various additional (but rather
                  general) conditions on the distribution of the entries of An and Bn it holds that
                   () +  () ⟶  ⊞  weakly as   →  ∞ for almost all ω (see e.g. [22] or
                  [1]). This (meta-) result illustrates the phenomenon that as dimension increases

                  the assumed (classical) independence between the random matrices An and Bn
                  is  transformed  into  free  independence.  Thus  free  probability  provides  a
                  concrete model for the asymptotics of large (classically independent) random
                  matrices, and the analytic function tools of free probability (described in the
                  following) can be used to determine these asymptotics; a fact that has been
                  exploited recently e.g. in the theory of wireless communication.
                     As we shall demonstrate, the theory of free additive convolution is in many
                  respects completely parallel to the classical theory. For example we have the
                  following analog of the classical CLT:

                  2.3 Free Central Limit Theorem ([20], [8], [23], [24]). Let µ be a probability
                  measure on R with zero mean and finite variance σ . Then

                  In fact, D 1√nσ 2 (μ ⊞n ) is Lebesgue absolutely continuous for large  n, and the
                  densities converge uniformly to that of the semi-circle distribution.
                     In Theorem 2.3 we use the notation Dcµ for the scaling (or dilation) of a
                  measure µ by the constant c. Theorem 2.3 illustrates the phenomenon that the
                  role  of  the  Gaussian  distribution  in  classical  probability  is  played  by  the
                  semicircle distribution in free probability. In a similar fashion the role of the
                  Poisson distribution in classical probability theory is in many respects played
                  by the Marchenko-Pastur distribution in free probability.

                  2.4 Free Poisson Limit Theorem ([20]). For any positive number λ, it holds

                  where ν is the Marchenko-Pastur Law:

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