Page 104 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 104

STS517 Jan Rosinski´
                  measure formula (4), see (5) and (6). Still, relatively easy to handle is case  =
                  2, where

                      The infinite divisibility of squared Bessel processes was not known until
                  Shiga, T., & Watanabe, S. (1973) paper. It still took several years until the Lévy
                  measures of such processes were found by Pitman, J.W., & Yor, M. (1982). The
                  description  of  such  measures  is  in  terms  of  Itô  measure  of  the  Brownian
                  positive excursions and the total accumulated local time of such excursions.
                  Therefore, it seems that Lévy measures here are relatively more complicated
                  than the infinitely divisible processes. This is completely opposite to the case
                  of  Lévy processes,  where  Lévy  measures  are  simple  but  processes can  get
                      Squared  Bessel  processes  and  Feller  processes  belong  to  the  class  of
                  permanental  processes.  Permanental  distributions  were  first  considered  in
                  statistics  as  an  extension  of  gamma  distributions  to  the  multivariate  case.
                  Vere-Jones,  D.  (1967)  established  the  infinite  divisibility  of  bivariate
                  permanental distributions and found their Lévy measures. Significant progress
                  to characterize the infinite divisibility of multivariate permanental distributions
                  was made by Bapat, R.B. (1989). For a complete discussion of infinite divisibility
                  of  permanental  distributions  see  Eisenbaum,  N.  and  Kaspi,  H.  (2009)  and
                  references therein. The celebrated Dynkin Isomorphism Theorem (Dynkin, E.B.
                  (1984)) can now be viewed in the framework of admissible translations (2), see
                  Rosinski, J. (2018).

                  1.  Bapat, R.B. (1989). Infinite divisibility of multivariate gamma distribution
                      and Mmatrices, Sankhya 51 73-78.
                  2.  Barndorff-Nielsen, O.E., Sauri, O., and Szozda, B. (2015)
                      Selfdecomposable Fields. J. Theor. Probab., Online First, Springer.
                  3.  Dynkin, E.B. (1984). Gaussian and non-Gaussian random fields associated
                      with Markov processes, J. Funct. Anal. 55 344–376.
                  4.  Eisenbaum, N. (2003). On the infinite divisibility of squared Gaussian
                      processes, Probab. Theory Related Fields 125 381–392.
                  5.  Eisenbaum, N. (2008). A Cox Process Involved in the Bose–Einstein
                      Condensation, Ann. Henri Poincaré 9 1123–1140.
                  6.  Eisenbaum, N. and Kaspi, H. (2006). A characterization of the infinitely
                      divisible squared Gaussian processes, Ann. Probab. 34(2) 728–742.
                  7.  Eisenbaum, N. and Kaspi, H. (2009). On permanental processes,
                      Stochastic Process. Appl. 119(5) 1401–1764.
                  8.  Kabluchko, Z. and Stoev, S. (2016). Stochastic integral representations
                      and classification of sum– and max-infinitely divisible processes, Bernoulli
                      22(1), 107–142.

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