Page 105 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 105

STS517 Jan Rosinski´
            9.  Lee, P.M. (1967). Infinitely divisible stochastic processes. Z. Wahrsch. verv.
                Geb., 7 147– 160.
            10. Marcus, M.B. and Rosen, J. (1992). Sample path properties of the local
                times of strongly symmetric Markov processes via Gaussian processes,
                Ann. Probab. 720 1603–1684 (special invited paper).
            11. Marcus, M.B. and Rosen, J. Markov Processes, Gaussian Processes, and
                Local Times. Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics 100.
                Cambridge University Press, 2006.
            12. Maruyama, G. (1970). Infinitely divisible processes. Theory Probab. Appl.
                15, (1970), 1–22.
            13. Pitman, J.W. and Yor, M. (1982). A decomposition of Bessel bridges, Z.
                Wahrsch. verv. Geb., 59 425–457.
            14. Rajput, B.S. and Rosinski, J. (1989). Spectral representations of infinitely
                divisible pro-´ cesses, Probab. Theory Related Fields 82(3) 451–487.
            15. Rosinski, J. (1990). On series representations of infinitely divisible random
                vectors, Ann. Probab. 18 405–430.
            16. Rosinski, J. (2000). Decomposition of stationary´ α-stable random fields.
                Ann. Probab. 28 1797–1813.
            17. Rosinski, J. (2001). Series representations of Lévy processes from the
                perspective of point´ processes. In Lévy processes, pp. 401–415. Boston,
                MA: Birkhäuser Boston.
            18. Rosinski, J. (2007). Lévy and Related Jump-type Infinitely Divisible
                Processes. Lecture´ Notes, Cornell University.
            19. Rosinski, J. (2018). Representations and isomorphism identities for
                infinitely divisible´ processes, Ann. Probab. 46 (2018), no. 6, 3229-3274.
            20. Sato, K. Lévy Processes and Infinitely Divisible Distributions, vol. 68 of
                Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics. Cambridge University
                Press, Cambridge, 1999.
            21. Shiga, T. and Watanabe, S. (1973). Bessel diffusions as a one-parameter
                family of diffusion processes. Z. Wahrsch. verv. Geb. 27 37–46.
            22. Vere-Jones, D. (1967). The infinite divisibility of a bivariate gamma
                distributions. Sankhya˜ Ser. A 29 421–422.

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