Page 11 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 11

A linkage error correction model for population size estimation   ………  324
                      with multiple sources

                   STS550:  Nowcasting and Forecasting of Macroeconomic
                   Variables: Model Averaging and Similar Techniques
                      Markov-Switching three-pass regression filter              ………  333
                      Forecasting household consumption components: a forecast   ………  339
                      combination approach
                      Bayesian MIDAS penalized regressions: Estimation, selection, and  ………  348
                      prediction Combination nowcasts of advance estimates of
                      private consumption of services in the U.S National Accounts
                      Combination nowcasts of advance estimates of private       ………  356
                      consumption of services in the U.S National Accounts

                   STS551: On Some Applications of Bayesian Statistical Modelling
                      Empirical bayes method for modelling of air pollution index   ………  365
                      Estimating the proportion of unreported traffic accidents using   ………  373
                      Bayesian Poisson lognormal model with an adjusted mean
                      Engineering applications of hierarchical Bayesian modeling   ………  381

                   STS552: Managing External Sector Statistics (ESS) Compilation in
                   a Highly Inter-Connected and Digital World
                      Compilation of sectorisation and information granularities on   ………  388
                      portfolio investment statistics
                      Financial integration and globalization: challenges and    ………  397
                      opportunities for external financial statistics
                      Forecasting the recovery rate of non-financial corporations with   ………  406
                      particular emphasis on sectorial analysis
                      Uses of mirror data: Estimation of household assets with banks   ………  415

                   STS555: Recent Non-Parametric Approaches: Applications to
                   Environnementales, Hydrological, Oceanological and Economic
                   Data Analyses
                      Robust estimators for some piecewise-deterministic markov   ………  427

                      Generalized partially linear spatial probit models and     ………  436

                   Index                                                         ………  443

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