Page 204 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 204

STS540 Zhi Lin C. et al.
                                  value as the optimal parameters.
                  Note that the optimal parameters (k, LssG) of the SSGR scheme can also be
                  obtained using the above optimization procedure by replacing LG with LssG
                  and (1) with (3).

                  4.  A Comparison between the GR and SSGR schemes based on SDTS
                     We compare the performance between the optimal GR and SSGR schemes
                  in  terms  of  SDTS  in  this  section.  Note  that  we  use  the  Statistical  Analysis
                  System  (SAS)  software  to  compute  the  SDTSs  based  on  the  Monte-Carlo
                  simulation procedure. We utilize the same simulation procedure as shown in
                  Yew et al. (2016) to compute the ATS for the GR and SSGR schemes. Here, we
                  repeat the simulation for 10000 trials and the average of the 10000 trials is the
                  ATS value. Similarly, the SDTS for the GR and SSGR schemes can be computed
                  based on the standard deviation of these 10000 trials.
                      To have a comprehensive comparison between the GR and SSGR schemes,
                  we considered the input parameters combination of n ∈ {3, 5, 7},  opt ∈ {0.5,
                  1.0, 1.5} and ARL0 ∈ [370, 500). Note that  opt represents the optimal mean
                  shift size where a prompt detection is desired. In practical situations, small to
                  moderate  sample  sizes  are  generally  recommended  to  reduce  the  cost  of
                  sampling. Here, the combinations of  opt are considered as in Lee et al. (2013).
                  To  have  a  correct  implementation  of  the  GR  and  SSGR  schemes,  the
                  practitioners are encouraged to investigate the input parameters combination
                  based on their respective needs.
                     Then,  based  on  the  combination  of  (n,  opt,  ARL0  input  parameters,  we
                  determine the optimal parameters, i.e. (k, LG) and (k, LssG) of the GR and SSGR
                  schemes,  respectively,  using  the  optimization  procedure  in  Section  3.  We
                  present  these  optimal  parameters  in  Table  1.  Note  that  these  optimal
                  parameters are chosen to minimize the ATS1 for respective n and  opt, such
                  that the desired ARL0 is attained. From Table 1, we observe that the optimal
                  parameters  (k,  LG)  and  (k,  LssG)  of  the  GR  and  SSGR  schemes,  respectively,
                  generally decrease or remain the same as n and  opt increase. However, when
                  ARL0 increases from 370 to 500, the optimal parameter k will increase; whereas
                  the optimal parameter LG or LssG will either increase or remain the same.
                     The optimal parameters (k, LG) and (k, LssG) presented in Table 1 are applied
                  to compute the SDTSs of the GR and SSGR schemes, respectively, and the
                  results are shown in Tables 2 to 4. We compare and study the SDTSs of the
                  optimal GR and SSGR schemes for different mean shifts sizes, i.e.   {0, 0.25,
                  0.50, 0.75, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0}. We say that the process is IC when S = 0,
                  whereas the process is OC when  > 0. Note that in Tables 2 to 4, the SDTSG
                  and SDTSssG, respectively, denote the SDTSs of the GR and SSGR schemes.
                  4.1 Performance comparison between the GR and SSGR schemes (IC SDTS):

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