Page 31 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 31

STS513 Sabrina O. R.
            Further, the SDGs aim to meet the urgent challenges of the three dimensions
            of sustainable development namely, economic, social, and environmental.
                In  the  same  year  of  its  enforcement,  the  Philippine  Statistics  Authority
            (PSA) Board issued Resolution No. 4 which states that government agencies
            are enjoined to provide data support in the monitoring of SDGs. The resolution
            also directs the Philippine Statistical Research and Training Institute (PSRTI) to
            undertake capacity building activities to help the PSA and other agencies in
            generating indicators to monitor the SDGs in the country. Moreover, the PSRTI
            was  tasked  to  conduct  methodological  researches  to  address  impending
            issues in generating the SDG indicators.
                To fulfill its participation in the PSA Board Resolution No. 4, the PSRTI, in
            collaboration with PSA, conceptualized the project “A Five-Year Research and
            Training  Program  for  the  Philippine  Statistical  System  to  Measure  the
            Sustainable Development Goals Indicators.” For this, the institute hired retired
            government statisticians who are familiar with the country’s data system and
            have vast experience in developing and updating various indicator systems for
            the research component of the project. This project was geared to review SDG
            indicators (Tier 2 and Tier 3) that were not regularly produced in the country
            and recommend possible SDG indicators for possible institutionalization. The
            research  produced  a  thorough  documentation  of  the  review  done  by  the
            researchers which presented the recommended indicators, its conceptual and
            operational definitions, its method of computation and recommendations as
            its way forward.
                This paper delves into the results of the Final Technical Report of the Study
            to  Develop  Indicators  for  Sustainable  Development  Goals  (SDG)  of  the
            Philippine Statistical Research and Training Institute (PSRTI) that was done in
            2017. Particularly, this would focus on the recommended indicators and their
            way forward. In the list of recommended indicators, some of which were exact
            matches to their corresponding global indicators; while other recommended
            indicators were proxy to the indicator or sub-indicators to the global ones.
            More importantly, the researchers gave their recommendations on whether or
            not the Philippines is ready to institutionalize the indicator as its way forward.
            This  study  would  discuss  the  steps  needed  to  be  done  in  order  to
            institutionalize  the  indicators  that  were  deemed  to  be  ready  for
            institutionalization on the national level.

            2.  Methodology
                The methodology used for this research can  be divided into two  parts
            namely,  review  of  the  indicators  and  the  institutionalization  process.  The
            review  of  the  indicators  that  was  done  by  the  researchers  hired  by  PSRTI
            focused on defining selected SDG indicators classified under Tier 2 and Tier 3
            that were deemed relevant to the country’s increasing efforts on sustainable

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