Page 27 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 27

STS513 Jessa S. L. et al.
            whether at home, school or work in a given time period. However, instead of
            type of skill, it is recommended to disaggregate this indicator by level of skill
            with  Level  0  being  the  lowest  (cannot  do  any  of  the  computer-related
            activities) to Level 3 (can do any of 7 to 9 of the activities).
            Goal  6:  Ensure  availability  and  sustainable  management  of  water  and
            sanitation for all
            6.1.1 Proportion of population using safely-managed drinking water. In the
            Philippines, it is recommended to use family as the unit of measure so that the
            indicator shall be defined as the percentage of families using safely managed
            drinking water sourced from piped water into dwelling, yard/plot, neighbor,
            public  tap/stand  pipe;  tubed  well/borehole;  protected  dug  well;  protected
            spring; rainwater; water refilling station and packaged water. Excluded from
            the category of sources of safely-managed drinking water are unprotected
            well,  unprotected  spring,  lake/river,  tanker-truck,  cart  with  small  tank,  and
            surface  water.  Annual  data  can  be  obtained  from  the  Family  Income  and
            Expenditure Survey (FIES) conducted every three years and the Annual Poverty
            and Income Survey (APIS) conducted during the years when there is no FIES.
            6.2.1  Proportion  of  population  using  safely-managed  sanitation  facility,
            including a hand-washing facility. It is also recommended to use family as the
            unit of measure for this indicator so that it shall be defined as the percentage
            of  families  using  safely  managed  toilet  facility,  that  is,  the  toilet  facility
            classified as any of the following types: flush/pour flush to piped water system,
            septic  tank,  pit  latrine;  ventilated  improved  pit;  pit  latrine  with  slab;  and
            composting toilet. Excluded from this type are open pit latrine, and others that
            are not considered as safely managed. The data can be sourced from surveys
            conducted by PSA, FIES and APIS.
            Goal 9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable
            industrialization and foster innovation
            9.c.1 Proportion  of  population  covered  by  mobile  network,  by  technology.
            There are three (3) proxy indicators recommended to represent this global
            indicator: (1) proportion of cell sites of all Cellular Mobile Telephone System
            (CMTS) network operators, broken down by all available technologies (2G, 3G,
            4G,  LTE);  (2)  CMTS  density  or  the  proportion  of  CMTS  subscribers  to  100
            population, by technology; and (3) proportion of cities and municipalities with
            coverage of CMTS facilities, by technology, regardless of whether or not all
            areas are within the rage of a mobile cellular signal. Regular data collection for
            these proposed proxy indicators is yet to be established by the Department of
            Information  and  Communications  Technology  (DICT)  and  the  National
            Telecommunications Commission (NTC).

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