Page 26 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 26

STS513 Jessa S. L. et al.
                  in  terms  of  existence  of  ramp  facilities  in  the  school  premises.  Hence,  the
                  indicator shall be measured as the proportion of the total number of schools
                  with ramp facility to total number of schools.
                  (f)  single-sex  basic  sanitation  facilities;  In  SY  2017-2018,  indicators  on  the
                  number of functional toilet bowls and urinals for males, females and persons
                  with  disability  (PWDs)  were  included  in  DepEd’s  School  Building  Inventory
                  Form.  These  shall  provide  information  to  measure  this  indicator  as  the
                  proportion of total number of schools with basic functional sanitation facilities
                  separated for males and females to total number of schools, disaggregated by
                  level of education.
                  (g) basic handwashing facilities (as per the WASH indicator definitions). This
                  indicator is proposed as the proportion of schools with access to basic and
                  functional handwashing facilities, soap or ash and water available to all girls
                  and  boys  during  school  hours,  disaggregated  by  level  of  education.  A
                  functional  handwashing  facility  is  defined  as  accessible,  with  daily  water
                  supply, at learner appropriate height and with appropriate drainage. These
                  data  were  included  in  DepEd’s  School  Building  Inventory  Form  starting SY
                  4.2.1 Proportion of children under 5 years of age who are developmentally on
                  track in health, learning and psychological well-being, by sex. This indicator
                  shall  be  defined  as  the  proportion  of  children  5  years  of  age  who  have
                  demonstrated readiness for primary education or have demonstrated socio-
                   emotional  development,  values  development,  physical  health  and  motor
                  development, aesthetic/creative development, mathematics, understanding of
                  the  physical  and  natural  environment,  and  language,  literacy  and
                  communication. The total number of kindergarten pupils and their learning
                  assessment shall be sourced from DepEd to obtain an estimate of the number
                  of pupils who are ready for primary education.
                  4.3.1  Participation  rate  of  youth  and  adults  in  formal  and  non-formal
                  education and training in the previous 12 months, by sex. For the Philippines,
                  it is recommended that this indicator be limited to youths, hence, shall be
                  measured  as  the  participation  rate  of  youths  in  formal  and  non-formal
                  education or  the percentage of youths (aged 15 to 24 years old)  who are
                  enrolled in formal and non-formal education or training in the past 12 months.
                  The data on enrolment can be sourced from the administrative records of
                  DepEd, Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and the Technical and Skill
                  Development Authority (TESDA).
                  4.4.1 Proportion of youth and adults with information and communications
                  technology  (ICT)  skills,  by  type  of  skill.  Adopting  the  global  definition  for
                  required  computer-related  activities  to  measure  ICT  skills,  this  shall  be
                  measured as the percentage of youth (aged 15-24 years old) and adults (aged
                  15  years  and  above)  that  have  undertaken  computer-related  activities,

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