Page 318 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 318

STS547 John D. et al.

                               New population estimation methods: New
                                          Zealand and Ireland
                                      John Dunne , Patrick Graham
                                               1  CSO, Ireland
                                           2  Stats NZ, New Zealand

               Like many countries, New Zealand and Ireland are researching new systems of
               population estimates compiled using administrative data. Neither Ireland or
               New Zealand have a Central Population Register from which the estimates can
               be  compiled.  Projects  in  both  countries  involve  first  creating  a  Statistical
               Population Dataset (SPD) to represent the population and then adjusting for
               coverage errors.
               In  Ireland,  the  SPD  is  compiled  such  that  by  design  it  will  only  have
               undercoverage.  The  SPD  counts  are  then  adjusted  using  Dual  System
               Estimation  (DSE).  An  extension  of  DSE,  Trimmed  Dual  System  Estimation
               (TDSE), is then used to verify that no overcoverage exist, or if overcoverage in
               the SPD is present then those parts of the SPD identified with overcoverage
               are removed prior to an application of traditional DSE methods to compile
               population estimates. While the use of TDSE in official statistics is new, this
               system is also novel in that it uses an administrative data list as list B in the
               application of DSE methods.
               In New Zealand, the SPD is compiled to represent the population as close as
               possible  and  as  such  is  expected  to  contain  both  undercoverage  and
               overcoverage. The New Zealand approach is novel in that it uses Bayesian
               methods and a single sample from the target population to correct for both
               undercoverage and overcoverage at the same time.
               This short paper will describe both the Irish and New Zealand approaches as
               well as discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each approach.

               Bayesian, TDSE, overcoverage, coverage, SPD

               1.  Introduction
                   Statistical  agencies  in  many  countries  are  investigating  methods  for
               replacing traditional census based population estimation systems. Ireland and
               New Zealand are two such countries. Neither country has a Central Population
               Register (CPR) but both countries have invested significant resources into the
               exploitation  of  administrative  data  sources  for  statistical  purposes  (Dunne,

                 Corresponding Author: John Dunne, Central Statistics Office, Ireland; E-mail:

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