Page 332 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 332

STS547 Maarten C. et al.
               Table 1: Census (A) linked to MOH (C). Covariate Ethnicity in A is denoted by
               a and ethnicity in C is denoted by c, where a and c have levels ‘0’ (non-Māori),
               ‘1’ (Māori), ‘-’ (missing) and ‘x’ (not in register). Observed counts have been
               randomly rounded to protect confidentiality. Source: Stats NZ.
                                   Census          DIA          MOH           MOE

                   non-Māori      3,690,913     3,668,349     3,782,239    3,665,099
                   Māori           736,308       758,872      644,983       762,122

                  Table 2: Summary of Census linked to DIA, MOH and MOE, estimated numbers

                                            census        DIA        MOH        MOE
                                                    =1|     =1|     
                    Class 1       0.826      0.004       0.012       0.003      0.014
                    Class 2       0.174      0.939       0.930       0.824      0.924
                      Table 3: Estimates of latent class model with two latent classes
               3.3 Three registers without the Census
                   We also made estimations for three registers without the Census, see Table
               4. We also present estimates derived only from the three administrative data
               sources, so that we can see what would happen if the census were replaced
               entirely  by  an  administrative  data-based  system.  The  observed  number  of
               individuals  in  at  least  one  of  the  registers  is  4,377,573.  We  estimate  an
               additional 24,058 individuals missed by all three registers. This leads to a total
               population  size  of  4,401,631.  This  is  somewhat  less  than  the  four  register
               estimate of 4,427,221.
                                            DIA          MOH           MOE
                          non-Māori      3,599,611     3,760,211     3,625,453
                          Māori           802,020       641,421      776,179
               Table 4: Summary of DIA, MOH and MOE, ignoring census, estimated numbers.

               4.  Discussion and Conclusion
                   Van der Heijden et al. (2018) presented an approach for estimating the
               margins of auxiliary variables in the dual system estimation framework. They
               suggested that more experience with applications of this methodology was
               needed to be able to judge its usefulness. Here this approach is extended to
               multiple  system  estimation  with  four  registers,  and  a  more  complicated
               missing data structure. We conclude that the methods of van der Heijden et
               al. (2018) provide stable results that allow for detailed interpretation of the
               processes  of  inclusion  in  the  registers  considered,  and  of  recording  Māori

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