Page 339 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 339

STS547 Daan Zult et al.
               3.  Results
                   We evaluate the WMR model with a simulation study. In this study the true
               population size (TPS) is known and will be compared with estimates of the
               population  size.  We  use  a  (quasi  –  real)  dataset  that  is  a  publicly  available
               fictitious population dataset of 26 625 persons that is representative for the UK
               population census. It was created in a European project on data integration
               (McLeod, Heasman and Forbes, 2011) that ran from 2009 to 2011. The dataset
               has linkage keys such as address and birthdate but also covariates such as
               gender and age. By generating sources from this quasi - real dataset, outcomes
               may reflect reality to some extent.
                   The main goal of this simulation study is to evaluate the performance of the
               WMR  model.  The  WMR  model  is  applied  within  different  scenarios,  where
               scenarios differ with respect to three elements:
                1.     Covariate dependence of capture probabilities, which implies that the
                       probability  of  a  record  to  be  in   ,    and   may  vary  due  to
                       differences in the covariate values of records (e.g. a male may have a
                       higher probability to be in   and a lower probability to be in  ).
                2.     Source dependence of capture probabilities, which implies that the
                       probability  of  a  record  to  be  in  ,   and   may  depend  on  this
                       record  being  in  another  source  (e.g.  a  record  in   ,  may  have  a
                       different probability to be in   than a record that is equal in all other
                       aspects except being in  ).
                3.     Linkage errors in the linkage procedure; sources are linked either with
                       errors or are linked perfectly without errors.
                   These  three  elements  are  of  particular  interest,  because  they  are  the
               sources of bias that the WMR model aims to correct for while the alternative
               models should suffer from at least one of them. They lead to four different
               scenarios that can be seen in table 1.
                Table 1: Simulation study scenarios.
                Scenario  Linkage errors  Covariate dependence Source dependence

                    1         Yes               No               No
                    2         Yes               Yes                  No
                    3         Yes               No                   Yes
                    4         Yes               Yes                  Yes
               Each scenario is replicated 1 050 times and in each replication a population of
               10 000, together with three sources of approximately 8 000, 5 000 and 2000
               records  is  generated,  where  the  generation  of  sources  differs  between

               2  The number is ‘only’ 1 050 because we use a spark cluster of fifteen cores (available at Statistics
               Netherlands  mainly  for  Big  Data  related  computations)  that  each  does  70  replications  with
               different random seeds, in which each single replication takes about 10 minutes. In total it takes
               almost two days to run all four scenarios, which is mainly due to the computation time of the
               probabilistic linking the three sources.

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