Page 344 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 344

STS550 Pierre Guérin et al.

                                Markov-Switching three-pass regression filter
                           Pierre Guérin , Danilo Leiva-Leon , Massimiliano Marcellino
                                                     1 OECD
                                                2 Banco de España
                                        3 Bocconi University, IGIER and CEPR

                  We introduce a new approach for the estimation of high-dimensional factor
                  models with regime-switching factor loadings by extending the linear three-pass
                  regression filter  to  settings  where parameters can  vary  according  to Markov
                  processes. The new method, denoted as Markov-switching three-pass regression
                  filter (MS-3PRF), is suitable for data sets with large cross-sectional dimensions,
                  since estimation and inference are straightforward. Both Monte Carlo simulations
                  and  empirical  applications  show  significant  predictive  gains  when  using  the
                  proposed framework.

                  Factor model; Markov-switching; Forecasting

                  1.  Introduction
                      This  paper  introduces  a  new  approach  for  the  estimation  of  high-
                  dimensional  factor  models  with  regime-switching  factor  loadings.  Our
                  modelling approach builds on Kelly and Pruitt (2015), who developed a new
                  estimator  for  factor  models—the  three-pass  regression  filter  (3PRF)—that
                  relies on a series of ordinary least squares (OLS) regressions. As emphasized
                  in Kelly and Pruitt (2015), the key difference between principal component
                  analysis  (PCA)  and  the  3PRF  approach  is  that  PCA  summarizes  the  cross-
                  sectional information based on the covariance within the predictors, whereas
                  3PRF condenses cross-sectional information based on the correlation of the
                  predictors  with  the  target  variable  of  the  forecasting  exercise,  thereby
                  extending partial least squares.
                      In  this  paper,  we  extend  the  3PRF  approach  by  introducing  regime-
                  switching parameters in the linear 3PRF filter. This new framework is denoted
                  as Markov-switching three-pass regression filter (MS-3PRF). A key advantage
                  of this approach is that it is well suited to handle high-dimensional factor
                  models, as opposed to the existing regime-switching factor models that can
                  handle  only  models  with  limited  dimensions  due  to  computational  com-
                  plexity (see, e.g., Camacho et al. (2012)). Our approach is attractive in that
                  the  estimation  strategy  only  requires  estimating  a  series  of  univariate
                  Markov-switching regressions. As such, it is computationally straightforward

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