Page 386 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 386

STS551 Zamira Hasanah Zamzuri et al.
                  single  variance  function,  similar  to  the  traditional  NB  distribution  (Lord  &
                  Geedipally  2011).  A  discussion  on  using  a  mixture  of  several  count
                  distributions to explain the presence of extra zeros can be found in Zamzuri et
                  al. (2018).
                  Although the zero inflated model give new perspective to statistical modeling
                  of the frequency of accidents, but this model is likely to have difficulty in case
                  of undesirable phenomena (Jang et al 2010). Lord et. al. (2007) say that the
                  zero inflated model has a modeling error in highway accidents. Specifically, this
                  error is defined as that segment is said to be in safe condition although it is
                  likely to be involved in an accident even if no accident occurs for a long period.
                  According to Malyshkina and Mannering (2010), they noticed the phenomenon
                  of the segments based on previous data. However, this data has changed in
                  terms of data collection, the police and the traffic environment, in accordance
                  with the changing times. Hence, they used a Bayesian inference approach since
                  the conventional maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) cannot be used here.
                  This is due to the Markov switching models are difficult to estimate since the
                  state  variable  is  unobservable.  The  Bayesian  approach  is  a  useful  statistical
                  approach in which all forms of uncertainty are stated in terms of probability.
                  This paper intends to introduce a model that capture the presence of these
                  extra  zeros  based  on  a  different  specification.  Since  that  these  zeros  are
                  hypothesised contributed due to the underreporting scenario, we propose that
                  a  proportion  parameter  is  introduced  to  the  accident  rate  in  the  Bayesian
                  Poisson Lognormal model.

                  2.  Methodology
                      Chib and Winkelmann (2002) explained in detail on implementation of the
                  Multivariate Poisson Lognormal (MPL). Park and Lord introduce the usage of
                  this model in traffic accident literature. Several critical elements on fitting the
                  MPL model are also discussed in Zamzuri (2015). The extension of this model
                  with addition of spatio-temporal component can be found in Zamzuri (2018).
                  The specification of this model is presented as an application to traffic accident
                  data, where observations are considered as recorded across intersections, with
                  each intersection having a number of levels of crash severity.
                      Let i represent the intersection and j the level of crash severity and let 
                  be  a  column  vector  of  reported  crash  counts  for  the  ith  intersection,  =
                  (   …  ). We have N intersections and J levels of severity. Parameter  =
                  (   …  ) is a vector of regression coefficients, while   is the vector of
                  covariates. Parameter D is the covariance matrix for the random effects vector
                   = (   …  ). When J=1, this model is reduced to the univariate setting.
                  We  called  the  proposed  model  as  the  Adjusted  Poisson  Lognormal  (APL)
                  model. In this model, we add two  more parameters,  π and τ. Parameter  π
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