Page 387 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 387

STS551 Zamira Hasanah Zamzuri et al.
            measures the proportion of reported accident whereas τ is the true accident
            rate. Then the specification of this model is
                                         | ,  , π~( )
                                              = πτ
                        = exp( +  log( 1 ) + ⋯ +  (−1) log ( (−1) ))
                                             ~ (0, )
            The posterior distribution of this proposed model is proportional to
            {∏  ( | ,  0 −1 )}  ( −1 | ,  ) (π| ,  ) ∏  ( |) ∏ ( | ,  , π)
              =1                                         =1         =1
            in which   is the k-variate normal distribution,   is the Wishart density,  is
            the Beta density and  is the Poisson density. Parameter estimation in this
            model  is  performed  in  two  phases;  first  by  estimating  the  proportion  of
            reported accident rate π; then secondly, the estimation of other parameters.
            Hence, four sampling stages are identified:
            1) Sampling π
            2) Sampling 
            3) Sampling 
            4) Sampling  −1
                In Bayesian framework, if the posterior distribution is in the same family as
            the prior, it is called as conjugate distributions; in which the prior is called as
            conjugate  prior  to  the  likelihood.  In  cases  that  the  conditional  posterior
            distribution  is  identified,  the  Gibbs  sampling  algorithm  can  be  used.  In
            contrast, when the conditional posterior distribution is unidentified, there is a
            need for Metropolis Hastings algorithm, in which a sampling density will be
            We present the details of these four sampling stages in the APL model.
                1)  Sampling π
                    We    want     to    sample    from     a   density    proportional
                to  (π| ,  ) ∏  =1 ( | ,  , π).  Since  this  is  not  a  recognized
                distribution, the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm is needed. A technique as
                suggested in Chib & Winkelmann will be applied here in which we will
                maximize the log of this density using Newton-Raphson algorithm. Then,
                the parameter estimates will be sampled from a proposed density.
                2)  Sampling 
                    We    want   to   sample    from    a   density   proportional   to
                ∏    ( |) ∏  =1 ( | ,  , π).  Since  this  is  also  not  a  recognized
                distribution,  the  Metropolis-Hastings  algorithm  is  needed.  The  same
                technique as (1) is used for this stage. Then, we sample from the proposal
                density, multivariate-t.
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